Half-brother And Half-brother &Minus; What Is The Difference?

Half-brother And Half-brother &Minus; What Is The Difference?
Half-brother And Half-brother &Minus; What Is The Difference?

In everyday life, it is quite rare to hear expressions such as a half-blood or half-relative. However, sometimes questions arise, what are these concepts?

Half-brother and half-brother - what's the difference?
Half-brother and half-brother - what's the difference?

Meaning of concepts

According to the ideas of ancestors, blood is inherited through the paternal line, that is, it is transmitted during intrauterine development from dad to son or daughter. As a result, children born to different women from the same man are considered half-blood relatives. Despite the modern achievements of genetics and the realization of the fact that any trait is inherited from both parents, and as a result of genetic modifications new traits may appear, the concept of a half-brother has remained in everyday life and refers specifically to children born of the same father.

Brothers in utero are such relatives, whose internal development took place in one womb. Thus, the children of one woman are half-brothers and sisters. At the same time, even sons born to one woman from different fathers are considered one uterine.

It is easy to see that relatives, in the modern sense, brothers are both half-blood and half-blood relatives, therefore they are also called full-blooded.

A bit of history

During the heyday of the Great Roman Empire, it was believed that half-brothers were more dear and close to each other than half-brothers. This is explained quite simply: in those days, patriarchy reigned in Rome, therefore, naturally, a man was in higher esteem and deserved more respect than a woman. If for any reason the matter came to the division of the inheritance and at the same time a dispute arose between half-brothers, the claims were considered. The discontent of half-brothers was not taken into account.

In Athens, half-brother and sister marriages were considered possible. At the same time, marriage of half-relatives was prohibited by law.

Abraham, the hero of the Hebrew Bible, married his half sister.

Modern legislation

The main difference between full-blooded, half-blood and half-brothers from the point of view of the legislation of modern countries is only in the right of inheritance. In many countries, such as France and Austria, full brothers, when dividing an inheritance, are entitled to a part that is twice as large as that of a half or uterine.

There is a law in the legislation of the Russian Federation that regulates the inheritance of half-and-half children.

In the legislation of the Baltic countries, half and half children do not participate in the division of inheritance at all, if the parents, in addition to them, have full-fledged children. In the absence of common children, the inheritance of the couple is divided between half-brothers and half-brothers.
