Sooner or later, each couple is faced with the question, can they become parents? Of course, if the reproductive function of both partners is in order, then the probability of having children is very high. However, the problem is much more complicated. The health of the unborn child is affected by the state of health of the parents before conception. Most developed countries undergo a medical examination before marriage. There is no such thing in our country. Therefore, after several years of life together, it turns out that someone in a couple cannot have children. Or someone has a serious hereditary disorder with a high risk of passing on to offspring. Of course, you can happily live in a marriage without children or with an adopted child. But it is better to know about this in advance and consciously decide on such a marriage.

Get tested by doctors
Step 1
First of all, pregnancy is not possible if the couple has a serious illness. Pregnancy is contraindicated if the woman has at least one of the following conditions.
1. Severe congenital or acquired heart disease.
2. Severe hypertension with circulatory disorders.
3. Chronic renal failure.
4. Diseases of the lungs with respiratory failure.
5. Severe course of diseases associated with endocrine disorders.
6. Cancer diseases.
7. Certain viral or parasitic infections.
8. Severe myopia complicated by retinal detachment.
9. Hereditary diseases.
If the husband also has a serious hereditary disease, then he is also not recommended to have children.
Step 2
If either parent is using alcohol or drugs, then the likelihood of having children decreases. Even if pregnancy has occurred, then giving birth to a child with disabilities is great.
Alcohol has a toxic effect on the egg and its vital functions even before pregnancy, which inevitably affects the development of the embryo. If a woman constantly consumes alcohol during pregnancy, fetal alcohol syndrome may occur. Some men who regularly drink alcohol are unable to conceive.
Narcotic substances have a negative effect on sperm and ovum. If someone in the family uses drugs and a pregnancy occurs, the child may develop severe malformations.
Smoking is another factor that inhibits conception. In women, smoking causes menstrual irregularities, and the chance of getting pregnant decreases. By causing vasoconstriction, nicotine adversely affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of fetal death.
Step 3
Another cause of infertility is menstrual irregularities. If menstruation does not occur before the age of 16, this indicates a pathology of reproductive function. Absence of menstruation for more than 6 months is called amenorrhea.
The reasons for menstrual irregularities are different. These are infections, diseases of internal and genital organs, abortion, stress, malnutrition, overwork.
It is important to identify the cause in a timely manner and begin treatment.
Step 4
The causes of infertility is a violation of the position of the female genital organs. If a woman has a large number of male hormones, then it will not be possible to become pregnant. We need to be treated.
Thus, 75% of women have some kind of disease and have children. But the risk of pathological pregnancy in them rises sharply. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you need to prepare for it in advance. Cure chronic diseases, if possible, eliminate foci of infection. To refuse from bad habits. It happens that a woman who smokes has a healthy child, but there is no guarantee that you will be included in this list.