A year after giving birth, it is still difficult to tune in to the correct rhythm of life. The mother of a one-year-old baby needs to think not only about the child, but also about herself: normalize nutrition, exercise regularly, have time to rest, regardless of whether the child sleeps well at night.

A year after giving birth, the woman's body is fully restored. The most difficult time is over. The level of hormones is normalized, menstruation comes, the vessels and the vital system as a whole work in the usual mode. By this time, the woman often stops breastfeeding her baby - this usually happens when the baby's first milk teeth appear. Regular sex life is normalized. In a word, everything falls into place, but young mothers do not stop thinking about their health.
To put your figure in order, you need to do exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and special exercises that help reduce lower back pain.
One of the main "problems" is being overweight. There is a widespread belief that a woman should restore her figure in a year and a half after giving birth, otherwise “all is lost” and it will be much more difficult to get back to normal. In any case, physical exercise is useful for a young mother. Sports loads a year after giving birth will not harm a woman's health. Visiting clubs, sports clubs, dancing, yoga or Pilates classes is very useful - this will not only give you a boost of vivacity, but also help you find peace of mind.
How should a woman eat in order to be in good shape and in a good mood a year after giving birth? First you need to decide on the reasons for the fullness of a young mother. Why doesn't the excess weight go away a year after giving birth?
The main reason is unhealthy diet. During pregnancy and lactation, a woman is used to eating "for two." The child grew up, but the habit remained. To get rid of bad addiction (and at the same time excess weight), a young mother should reduce the calorie content of food consumed, divide her usual diet into 5-6 servings per day, give up late snacks, sweet and fatty foods.
The second reason is a decrease in physical activity. A one-year-old child restricts the movement of the mother. All the time is given to the baby, there is no time for sports. It is important to pull yourself together, give the child to parents or husband for a while and go to the gym.
The third reason is lack of sleep. It happens that a child's normal sleep pattern is normalized only by 2-3 years. A one-year-old baby brings a lot of anxiety to the mother: teeth are being cut, the temperature has risen, and the tummy hurts. Of course, nocturnal adventures don't let your baby or mom get enough sleep. This is bad for a woman's health and metabolism. To improve the situation, a woman can try to adapt to the baby - sleep with him during the day.
Fatigue is common even one year after giving birth. Do not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones so that this condition does not develop into depression.
Motherhood is a difficult profession. But if a woman has found the strength to become a mother and successfully takes care of the child throughout the year, she will be able to take care of her own health and well-being.
Perhaps the main recommendation for the mother of a one-year-old baby is not to forget about yourself. Even if there is a sorely lack of time, you need to balance your diet, adjust the daily routine in order to find minutes for “your beloved”, periodically go out and always remain beautiful. If the mother is happy, so is the baby.