24 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

24 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development
24 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Sensations, Fetal Development

The 24th week of pregnancy is the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. The obstetrician-gynecologist who leads the pregnancy prescribes appointments more and more often because the risks of any abnormalities in pregnancy are increasing.

24 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development
24 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development

What changes occur to the fetus at 24 obstetric week of pregnancy?

At this time, the baby turned 22 embryonic weeks. The first two trimesters of pregnancy are already behind and most of the baby's systems have almost completed their development. The remaining time, the child's organs will only improve. The main task of the fetus will be to gain mass. This week, his weight is already about 600 grams, and his height is in the range of 25-29 centimeters. You can compare a baby with a small melon.

The child will now begin to grow and increase his weight faster. The uterus will not have time to increase its size so much. And the free space for various somersaults of the baby will be less and less.

A few weeks ago, the baby's eyes were on the sides. Now they are in their correct position. They are still closed, but there are already eyelashes on the eyelids. You can also see the child's eyebrows.

The ears are also in the right place this week. Outwardly, the baby looks like a child, but very thin, not yet having fat folds characteristic of an infant.

The baby's respiratory system continues to develop. The baby already has miniature alveoli. Of these, oxygen is distributed throughout the erythrocytes to supply the entire body.

In addition to distributing oxygen, the alveoli are capable of performing another very important function. They secrete a surfactant. This is a special mucous membrane that prevents the walls of the lungs from sticking together. The surfactant also protects the human lungs from bacteria.

The surfactant begins to stand out at exactly 24 weeks. The termination of its synthesis in the body causes the death of premature babies.

The kid at this time already knows how:

  1. Hear sounds through the uterine cavity.
  2. Turn away from bright light. If you bring a lamp to your stomach or shine a flashlight, then the child will squint or turn away from the light source.
  3. The child may develop taste preferences. He may react emotionally to a particular product.
  4. Feel the state of the expectant mother.

At 24 weeks, the fetal brain and vestibular apparatus develops. He reacts with jerks to any external factors. Learns to control his body: move his arms and legs, stroke his cheeks, grab the umbilical cord. The baby develops convolutions and grooves in the brain.

But the period of activity of the baby is rather short. On average, a child is awake for about four hours per day. The rest of the time he is in a dream.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the fetus is actively developing the skin epidermis. Although the cartilage and blood vessels can still be easily seen through the baby's skin, after four weeks it will become much denser and opaque.

At the end of the sixth month, a unique pattern is formed on the fingertips of the baby.

What does a pregnant woman feel at 24 weeks pregnant?

If a pregnant woman has not previously felt the jolts and kicks of her baby, then at 24 weeks she should feel them.

A woman during this period is most often in a good mood. If she works, then very soon maternity leave will begin, when she can fully enjoy this unusual state.

Weight can cloud the situation, which increases every week. This week, he can maximize 10 kilograms from his original weight.

At this time, a woman may have the following ailments:

  1. Bladder problem. Frequent urination.
  2. Constipation.
  3. Heartburn.
  4. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach, even if the pregnant woman has eaten very little.
  5. Heaviness in the legs.
  6. Back pain.

All this is considered normal, but you need to control so that the problem does not become critical. All ailments must be promptly reported to the doctor in charge of the pregnancy. If necessary, the specialist will be able to prescribe medications that can reduce or eliminate symptoms.

It is strictly forbidden to prescribe any drugs on your own and to self-medicate. After all, a woman can harm not only herself, but also the fetus, which cannot protect itself on its own.

The bottom of a woman's uterus at this time is at the level of the navel. And the cervical canal continues to fill with special mucus, which will go away only before childbirth. The belly of a pregnant woman at this time not only increases in size, but also rises up. Very often, pregnant women note that the stomach itches. This is due to the tension of the skin. In no case should you scratch. To reduce discomfort, you can apply natural oils or special creams that are approved for use during pregnancy. It is imperative to look at the composition. After all, the skin is able to absorb not only useful substances, but also components that negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Pain and discharge at 24 weeks of gestation

At this time, the woman's body is already maximally adapted for carrying a pregnancy. A pregnant woman may feel that the belly is pulling. But these sensations should normally be insignificant. Also, because of the large abdomen, the lower back may hurt. The woman may need to wear a special bandage to reduce the strain on her back. If the pain is severe, then you need to see a doctor.

Normal discharge from a pregnant woman should not cause much discomfort. They may be slightly stronger than before pregnancy. But if a woman noticed that the discharge became watery and acquired a yellowish color, then this may indicate the possibility of the onset of premature birth. If such discharge is accompanied by cramping pains, then it is urgently necessary to call an ambulance for hospitalization.

Already at this time, amniotic fluid leakage is possible. For an accurate diagnosis, a special test can be purchased at the pharmacy. Upon confirmation, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Recommendations for a pregnant woman at 24 weeks pregnant

The baby at this time passes through his body all the hormones synthesized in the body of a pregnant woman. That is why it is so important to protect yourself from stress, not to overwork and be in a state of euphoria.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the second screening has already been passed, and the tests have already been passed. Re-surrender will still be required, but a little later. A woman just needs to appear in the antenatal clinic once a week or two. There, the obstetrician-gynecologist will monitor the growth of the uterus, the weight of the pregnant woman and her pressure. At each appointment, you can hear the baby's heartbeat using a special apparatus.

Also, doctors can diagnose that the cervix is weak and unable to hold the weight of the fetus along with the amniotic fluid. Then the woman will need to have a pessary installed. It will prevent the opening of the cervix and relieve some of the load from the cervix.

The pessary cannot be placed in the following situations:

  1. When there is bleeding from the vagina.
  2. When were fetal malformations diagnosed.
  3. When a pregnant woman has diseases of the pelvic organs of an infectious and inflammatory nature.
  4. When the fetal bladder protrudes into the vagina.
  5. When doctors predict the possibility of fetal death in the womb.

In other cases, the pessary can be delivered. Installation and wearing should not cause any discomfort in the woman.

In general, during this period, a woman should try to walk more in the fresh air, not overexert herself, avoid stress and monitor her well-being.
