Pregnancy is one of the great moments in a woman's life. But if it is overshadowed by the appearance of edema, then you should not despair. Establish nutrition, drinking regimen, love physical activity and use diuretics - and the result will not be long in coming.

During pregnancy, every woman is beautiful. There is something subtly wonderful, light, tender in her. The expectant mother is overwhelmed with happiness, and with bated breath she is waiting for an early meeting with her baby.
With each month of pregnancy, the child grows and gradually becomes cramped in his mother's belly. The internal organs of a woman also become tight, since as the child grows, there is less and less space in the abdominal cavity.
Often, a pregnant woman is faced with many unpleasant "pregnancy symptoms", and one of them is swelling.

- This is fluid retention in the interstitial space. Typically, swelling occurs in the second and third trimester. Swelling in the last months of pregnancy may indicate late toxicosis - gestosis.
Edema during pregnancy can be of different kinds, but they are all equally uncomfortable, and sometimes cause painful sensations. Edema can be physiological, cardiac, renal; Cardiac, renal edema, and gestosis should be treated by a doctor. Self-medication can endanger the health of the mother and baby.
Physiological edema usually occurs in most pregnant women and is usually not dangerous. Most often, fluid accumulates in the ankle area. The reasons for their occurrence:
- fetal pressure on internal organs;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- non-observance of the principles of proper nutrition.
Once you eliminate these provoking factors, tissue swelling will noticeably decrease.
Physical exercise
Getting rid of edema during pregnancy is real. It is necessary to devote enough time to walks in the fresh air. Do not neglect sports. Of course, a pregnant woman's workout plan is very different from strengthening and fat burning exercises for girls. Bodyweight training is preferred. It is strictly forbidden to perform any exercises related to jumps, sudden movements, swings, etc.
The following loads will have a positive effect on the health of a pregnant woman:
- walking;
- swimming;
- water aerobics;
- fitness.

The duration of the training is selected individually. During classes, it is imperative to monitor the pulse and general well-being. If discomfort and painful sensations arise, classes are stopped.
Often, a pregnant woman begins to eat, as they say, "for two", and not always healthy products. If you are in an interesting position, but before that you did not eat balanced, then now is the time to start monitoring what and how much you eat. By following the principles of proper nutrition, you can not only get rid of edema, but also avoid gaining extra pounds during pregnancy.

With edema, it is necessary to observe the drinking regime. In no case should you limit your intake of pure water to 1 liter per day, as most doctors advise. You need to drink as much as the body requires. The main thing is not in one gulp, but in small sips.
Application would be appropriate. Natural diuretics are decoctions of lingonberry leaves and berries, bearberry, birch leaves and buds, flax seeds, green tea. The expectant mother should drink certain herbs under the supervision of a doctor. It is highly undesirable to abuse green tea for pregnant women with high blood pressure.

Exercise "Cat" reduces the pressure of the fetus on the internal organs. Perform it as follows:
- We get on all fours.
- We stretch our arms forward and rest our palms on the floor. The body will be located lower than the pelvis.
- We relax as much as possible and stay in this position for 15–20 minutes. We perform the exercise 3 times a day.
"Cat" will help get rid of swelling, reduce back pain, which so often torments pregnant women.
In addition to this exercise, you need to raise your legs above body level as often as possible during the day, and put a pillow or roller under them at night.
Adhering to such simple rules - reasonable physical activity, proper nutrition, the use of diuretics - you can get rid of edema and bring your body into good shape.