Halva is an oriental dish made from simple ingredients. This delicacy is very useful, of course, if it is prepared according to GOST. During pregnancy, halva will have a beneficial effect on both the mother and the unborn baby.

Pros and cons
Halva has many advantages over other sweet foods. The plus is that it contains only natural ingredients ─ honey, sunflower seeds and grated nuts. Despite its sweetness, it contains only fruit sugar. The downside is that this oriental product is high in calories. That is why it should not be abused.
Halva varieties and vitamins
Halva has several varieties. The most common is sunflower. It can also be sesame, almond and peanut. Sunflower halva contains vitamins such as PP1, B1 and F1. These vitamins are necessary for the body, and the use of sunflower halva during pregnancy improves health.
Sesame halva. In the East, this type of halva is recognized as an effective remedy against ARVI and colds. It contains a lot of phosphorus, B vitamins, and is also enriched with zinc and calcium. All these vitamins are essential for a woman during pregnancy.
Almond halva. Compared to other types of halva, this variety is less high in calories. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which is necessary for pregnant women in the first and second trimester for proper bone formation in the baby.
Peanut halva is enriched with vitamins B2, PP and linoleic acid. All these vitamins together have a positive effect on the nervous system of a pregnant woman.
The benefits of using halva during pregnancy are obvious if there are no contraindications. Halva is not recommended if you have liver or gallbladder disease, you are allergic to at least one of the ingredients, or you are obese. With diabetes mellitus, when buying halva, you must carefully read the composition. There should be no sugar molasses.
In the early stages, you can eat 50-100 g of halva per day, in the second trimester ─ more than 30 g. In the last months it is better to exclude from the diet, as this can cause allergies in the fetus. Halva should not be consumed with dairy products or other sweets.
Pregnant women are not prohibited from eating other oriental sweets. Most often, they are made from natural products (nuts, honey, sesame seeds, dried fruits, poppy seeds and nigella, candied fruits, raisins, coconut) and do not contain a destructive amount of carbohydrates and fats, unlike cakes, cakes or cookies.
Of course, in everything you need to observe the measure. You should also refrain from using if you are allergic to the components contained there. During pregnancy, it is better to eat 30 g of oriental yummy than a piece of cake or brownie.