What Characterizes The Third Week Of Pregnancy

What Characterizes The Third Week Of Pregnancy
What Characterizes The Third Week Of Pregnancy
What characterizes the third week of pregnancy
What characterizes the third week of pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy, the blastocyst removes cells from the surface of the uterus and makes a depression there in order to attach. This planting period is called implantation. It is often accompanied by bleeding, which is not a threat. The implantation period lasts approximately 40 hours. At this time, the reserve of vital substances in the egg ends - now the embryo begins to feed from the mother's body. This is a new level in development, now it will completely depend on the mother until birth.

At this time, all the ongoing processes are interconnected. The blastocyst releases hormones necessary for the development of pregnancy. At the end of the third week of pregnancy, the embryo will consist of about 250 cells, its size is 0.15 mm, its length is up to 2 mm, and its weight is 2-3 μg. From that moment on, he begins to develop and grow rapidly. At this time, the woman may not yet know about her pregnancy, but may suspect about her occurrence. From the third week, the second of the three critical periods of pregnancy begins, it will last up to 7 weeks.

At this time, there is a high risk of the formation of deformities, anomalies, pathologies, since it is from this week that all organs and systems of the child are laid. The rudiments of the digestive, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular systems are already emerging, the mouth, limbs, and the endocrine system are being formed. Therefore, you need to be careful. Pay special attention to your lifestyle, physical and emotional condition, and nutrition. If the pregnancy was planned, then it is easy to foresee. And if conception is spontaneous, then the first signs of pregnancy may already appear: frequent urge to go to the toilet, changes in taste, nausea.

Signs in the third week of pregnancy:

  • engorgement of the breasts;
  • increased basal temperature;
  • changes in appetite and taste;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urination;
  • bowel disorder;
  • increased fatigue;
  • constant drowsy feeling.

Often these signs are perceived by women as the onset of menstruation. Hormonal changes in the body are accompanied by mood changes: nervousness, irritability, moodiness, unstable emotional background, and more. If at this time a woman decides to take a pregnancy test, then it is unlikely to confirm the presence of pregnancy. It is best to go to the clinic and have an ultrasound scan. Unlike tests, even at this time it will show whether a woman is pregnant or not. In addition, the doctor will assess the condition of the uterus.
