What Characterizes The Seventh Week Of Pregnancy

What Characterizes The Seventh Week Of Pregnancy
What Characterizes The Seventh Week Of Pregnancy

At the seventh week, the embryo weighs approximately 0.8 grams and is 8 mm tall. During the ultrasound, you can see the arms and legs. At this stage of pregnancy, the lungs and bronchi begin to develop, thanks to which the baby will breathe after birth. The digestive system is also undergoing some changes.

Seventh week of pregnancy
Seventh week of pregnancy

At the seventh week, the embryo weighs approximately 0.8 grams and is 8 mm tall. During the ultrasound, you can see the arms and legs. The baby's face is still difficult to see. Despite this, he already has eyes, a nose and a mouth. At this stage of pregnancy, the lungs and bronchi begin to develop, thanks to which the baby will breathe after birth. The digestive system is also undergoing some changes. The embryo develops a large intestine and appendix. The esophagus and trachea are actively developing. The liver begins to create blood.

During this period, the placenta begins to thicken, the right umbilical vein disappears. A mucous plug forms in the uterus, which will remain until the very birth.

The surrounding people do not yet notice the tummy. The expectant mother could only notice a slight weight gain. It is advisable to start gaining three hundred grams a week. It is necessary to increase the amount of food eaten. Necessarily healthy food and no "dry food". These can be: meat products, vegetables with fruits and milk. But the chest is very noticeable. It's time to get a special bra with pad pockets if colostrum starts to leak in the last few months.

Often women have the question of what to do with intimate relationships. At week 7, sex is not prohibited, but if something bothers you, it is better to consult your gynecologist.

What to pay special attention to


Pain on either side of the abdomen is not serious. This is fine. If the lower abdomen and lower back ache, then you must immediately consult a doctor. This is fraught with the loss of the child.


If the slightest drop of blood appears, immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital.


The only normal discharge is leucorrhoea. In all other cases, an urgent consultation with the attending doctor is indicated.
