Men are straightforward and mysterious creatures at the same time. On the one hand, they do not like hints, preferring direct discussions. On the other hand, they try to avoid any conversation about feelings and emotions. What is the best way to show your feelings for a man so as not to cause him anxiety or discomfort?

Step 1
Express your feelings in actions. Men do not like long explanations about experiences and emotions. It is better to leave them for friends. If you're feeling grateful or romantic, do what he dreamed of doing for him. Prepare your favorite meal for dinner, buy tickets for the match of his favorite team.
Step 2
Tell him how happy you are with him. Men often see a friend's constant dissatisfaction as a reason to end a relationship. Even if she has problems at work or a conflict with her parents, he takes her sour face personally. And if discontent becomes the dominant emotion of a woman, the man begins to look for ways to escape. It is very important for them to know and hear that he is a support and salvation for you, and not an obstacle on the path to happiness.
Step 3
Appreciate his achievements. Many women find the phrase "I love you for this and for that (for punctuality, for reliability, for tenderness)" seems silly. Girls believe that love should not be conditional. This is true, but men sometimes need a girl to appreciate his actions, his social achievements, and the attributes of prestige that he has (a car, technical "toys", etc.). Express delight at all his achievements, at these moments you can confess any feelings, he will appreciate it much more than without such a reason.
Step 4
Discuss problems briefly and to the point. If you are annoyed or angry about a backlog of problems, first blow off steam in conversations with women or with a counselor. Then work out a solution, come up with a summary of the essence of the issue, justify your decision logically. And with such a short conversation, go to the man. They are terrified of extended discussions with tears, scandals and emotions. It is easier for them to quickly discuss everything, find a solution and not return to the issue in the future.