Man is a social being, he cannot be alone. From the very birth we want to be loved. We seek the approval of others, it is important for us what they think of us, and what impression we make. How to understand how people treat us?

Step 1
Understanding the attitude of other people is fairly easy for an observant person. Indeed, one has only to look closely and listen to others.
Step 2
Does the person calling himself a friend only call when they need your help and then disappear again indefinitely? This can hardly be called true friendship.
Step 3
Someone spreads rumors behind your back, and flatters your eyes and smiles ingratiatingly? Obviously, you shouldn't trust such a “friend”.
Step 4
But if someone comes to your aid at the first call, is always honest and open, does not talk too much, shares his experiences and thoughts - probably this is a real friend. We can say that trust is worth the one who does not rush in vain with words, looks straight into the eyes, does not try to hide something and does not disappear without explanation.
Step 5
Understanding other people is easy. You need to be a little more careful and pay attention to the little things. A bad attitude is betrayed by a person's words, actions, facial expressions, hidden emotions. Being observant can help you understand how other people feel about you. But above all, you must remember the golden rule - treat other people the way you want them to treat you.