Often, parents, trying to calm down a crying child, take it in their arms and carry it, shaking it and entertaining it. While the child is small, this method is justified - the baby should feel the warmth and care of loved ones. But if a grown-up kid demands to be picked up, this is already a lack of independence.

Step 1
Do not fall for childish whims and tantrums. The child must learn to have fun on his own, to cope with emotions and experiences. Establish a specific daily routine and strictly follow it - the baby must understand that at some hours mom or dad always play with him, pay attention to him, can caress him and do something interesting. He must also clearly accept the need for daytime and evening sleep, bathing, food, etc. If a child requires attention, and you are busy at this time, then you should tell him about it, and not rush to the first cry, grabbing him in your arms and entertaining him. The kid learns to control you through whims, so try not to succumb to his actions.
Step 2
Try to rock it less often. If a child falls asleep in your arms, then, after waking up, he may be afraid of what is in a different place, in a different environment. Teach your baby that from birth he sleeps in his crib - you can sit next to him, swing the crib, hold the baby by the handle.
Step 3
Create the most comfortable sleeping conditions for your baby. If a night light is on in his room, then it should be muted. But it is better to teach the child to sleep without light. Then, in the afternoon, by covering the curtains, you will give the baby a signal that it is time to go to bed. Moreover, in a dark room, children calm down and fall asleep faster.
Step 4
Know how to distinguish true crying from whims. A child can cry when he is hungry, he has something in pain, he was scared, he got his pants wet, etc. In these cases, you must, first of all, satisfy the needs of the baby, while you can pick him up. Stop whims right away - if the child is bored, then offer him a toy, shake the crib, turn it over on the other side, etc. Learn to communicate without constantly carrying your baby in your arms - put him on a developing mat, turn on musical toys, take him around the house in a stroller. If you are in the kitchen, then put a baby chair or chaise lounge in the room - the baby will see you, feel that you are there, and you can go about your business. Gradually teach your child to play independently so that he does not feel deprived and rejected.