Applesauce is one of the first courses of baby food. In the age of production automation, it is very easy to purchase ready-made applesauce, it is produced by many companies and is sold in almost every store that has baby food departments. However, many mothers choose to cook for their children themselves. This is the only way to be completely confident in the quality of the resulting product.

It is necessary
apples, a knife, a grater, cans, lids and a key for preserving, sugar or condensed milk
Step 1
There is nothing difficult in finding the answer to the question of how to make applesauce for a child. You just need to decide whether it will be mashed potatoes for the winter or a dish intended to be eaten immediately. Applesauce is made from any kind of apple. Domestic varieties are preferable, since it is rather difficult to guess which substances are contained in apples grown in other countries. Apples are prepared for any cooking method in the same way. Apples are well washed with a brush under hot water, after which they are freed from the skins and core. Then it all depends on what kind of baby applesauce you are preparing.
Step 2
For mashed potatoes for an afternoon snack, just grate the apple on a fine grater. It should be made of plastic or stainless steel, because when it comes into contact with ordinary metal, vitamin C is destroyed. Since an apple tends to darken, it must be served immediately after cooking. And much more vitamins are stored in it this way. If the child is very small, then in the puree you can add a little mixture or breast milk that is familiar to him. This will make its consistency more liquid.
Step 3
If you want to cook applesauce for your baby for the winter, then the apples are cut into small pieces and boiled for 30 minutes with a minimum amount of sugar. Some recipes suggest replacing sugar with condensed milk. Obviously, this recipe will not work for babies. Then the apples are laid out in pre-prepared jars (they must be washed) and sterilized for 40 minutes in a water bath. The jars need to be filled not to the very top, since the mashed potatoes will rise during the boil. After sterilization, the cans are rolled up with lids. The vitamins in such a dish are minimal, but as a source of fiber, such mashed potatoes are no less suitable than those made from ordinary apples.