Personality Development Factors

Personality Development Factors
Personality Development Factors

The formation of a full-fledged personality is a long and endless process. This is due to the fact that a person throughout his life falls into different conditions, undergoes certain changes and improves. Therefore, the factors of personality development cannot be distinguished into any one group, they can only be considered in aggregate.

Personality development factors
Personality development factors

The formation of a harmonious and full-fledged personality is a multifaceted and very interesting process. Psychologists assure that it must be considered in several sections and time frames in order to better understand what served as one or another factor in the formation of personality.

Factors of personality formation in childhood

Despite the fact that childhood is the most carefree and fun period, it is at this time that a person's development as a person is maximized. This is due to the fact that the child simultaneously learns and interact with the whole world at once and defend himself and his position in it. And this is very difficult for a baby who, for example, is only 3 years old.

Harmonious people are obtained from those children, say psychologists, whose mothers surrounded them with warmth and care. This is due to the fact that the basic needs of the child were satisfied to the maximum, as a result of which he could only direct all his efforts to communicate with the world.

Do not confuse the concept of reasonable and sincere love with the one that is designed to simply buy off a child with gifts, food, etc. In the second case, it will not work to grow a harmonious personality.

The emotions that the mother experiences are also reflected in the child. If the mother is happy and in harmony with herself, the child will also grow in harmony. Hiking both a pregnant woman and a woman who has already given birth to museums, theaters, etc. also contribute to the correct development of the child's psyche. After all, it is not for nothing that it is classical music that ladies in position are offered to listen to.

The next stage in the development of a child as a person is a kindergarten (of course, in cases where the baby gets into it). Here, the character is influenced by the interaction of teachers and parents together. If teachers are inattentive and rude, the child will have a fear of a new one. If the parents ignore the baby, he can withdraw into himself.

To bring up a harmonious personality from a child, parents should not swear in front of the baby, discuss someone, condemn. And, of course, in no case speak badly about kindergarten.

The next stage of personality formation takes place in adolescence. Basically, this time falls under the school. Here, a person is already learning to interact with others at a more mature level. His actions become more conscious, he himself is more independent. And here society is already entering the arena. Parents can only make sure that the quality of this society is acceptable enough.

Moreover, parents must take into account that it is during this period that they need to keep in touch with their child, like in no other. Friends appear. And it is also desirable to become a friend to your child in order to understand what worries him, what he "breathes" with, etc.

Personal development in adolescence

For adolescents, the first sexual experience can become a serious factor in the formation of personality. This is due to the fact that they learn to be adults, to take responsibility not only for themselves. Naturally, not everyone succeeds in this. But it is worth trying so that you can confidently call yourself a harmonious person.

Adult development

It would seem that an adult needs fewer factors to develop his own personality. After all, he is experienced: he knows a lot and knows how. In fact, it is more difficult for adults. They are influenced by even more factors than in childhood. But an adult is an already formed personality who has to break himself.

The role of personality development factors here is played by one's own family: wife, children, and later grandchildren, colleagues, friends and many others with whom a person contacts. Moreover, the responsibility on him is great, because he is already an adult and must make all decisions himself.

Common Factors

The general factors of personality development include genetics, biology and physical characteristics of a person. After all, if a person is healthy, he can move mountains. If he has problems at the genetic level, this significantly reduces his capabilities, etc.

Creating a full-fledged and high-quality individual is a painstaking and long process. And it is impossible to single out any one factor that supposedly had an impact. They all work together.
