Taming a man is pretty tricky. This is because most men hate submission and the slightest hint that they are being manipulated. The secret is to be able to become indispensable for a man without his knowledge. What needs to be done to tame a man and make him come back to you again and again?

Step 1
For men, at first, women with a beautiful face and a sexy figure may be enough. However, as you know, everything sweet quickly becomes boring. Therefore, hot, young and attractive nymphets are very quickly replaced by domestic, affectionate, kind, caring and cozy ladies. The truth is that most men need not only passionate sex, but also the care, grooming, nourishment and admiration of their other half. If a man feels boundless comfort and admiration for himself, he becomes an easy prey for an intelligent woman.
Step 2
Do not treat a man as your property, assistant, or service personnel. A loving woman will primarily focus on the needs of her man, trying to satisfy them and please him. At the same time, she will make it so that the man does not even suspect that the fulfillment of his needs is the main merit of the woman. For example, don't discourage his sporting interests or criticize his grandiose vacation plans. He is a real man, and let him feel it.
Step 3
Respect his preferences and tastes. Even if it concerns your appearance. A man loves long-haired blondes - do not defy him to reshape and cut a hair. He prefers to wear jeans with a jacket - do not try overnight to change his wardrobe to a more suitable and sophisticated one. Still, adjustment is possible, but slightly noticeable, smooth and slow. Today it is a new tie, to which you will certainly need to pick up more stylish boots, tomorrow - a new hat, which suddenly ceased to be combined with his sports jacket, etc. If you decide to fully indulge his impeccable taste, then you are assigned the role of the keeper of his well-groomed and impeccable appearance.
Step 4
Always support your man in everything. It is important for him to feel the approval of the closest person, who, in case of failure, will embrace and cheer up with the phrase: “You can do it”, “Everything will work out”, “I will help”, etc. Your love and care is hidden behind such banal words.
Step 5
Watch for emotions and words. Do not become too restrained and cold, and at the same time, do not show excessive emotionality. Men are lost from hysterics, unbridled joy or other female outbursts. The especially strong sex is irritable to manipulation with tears. And when it comes to a showdown at all, men are not ready for those sharp and caustic epithets and remarks that the fair half showered on him. Don't hurt your man, because hurtful things stay in your soul for a long time. Sooner or later, harmony will return to your relationship, and it is better if there is no unpleasant aftertaste left after the quarrel. Even in the heat of anger, control yourself.