It is important and necessary to teach a child to order at a very early age. This will teach the baby not only to clean up after himself, but also to be neat and collected in other matters.

1. The child's habitat, from the very first days, fosters the right or wrong attitude to cleanliness and order. It is difficult to teach a kid to be neat if things are scattered in the house where he lives, there is a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink, and he himself has not been changed for a long time. Parents are the very first and most striking example to follow, and children, as you know, strive to imitate their parents in everything.
2. Cleaning should become a habit. You can set aside a specific time, such as an hour a week, when you give your child cleaning tasks. The regularity of this method fosters a habit. Soon, the kid himself will ask what to do about cleaning, how he can help.
3. To put the children's room in order, put toys and other things, it is necessary to equip the room with a sufficient number of cabinets and shelves, all kinds of drawers, you can show the child how to put things in them correctly. For toys and all sorts of little things, bright, colorful boxes and boxes are suitable, the cleaning process will become more fun. Be sure to allow the child to have his own space, a box where he will store personal things, laying them out at his own discretion.
Parents' mistakes
1. It is impossible to teach a child everything at once. It is correct to gradually explain how and what to do, to show by example, then the result will appear.
2. Forcing a child to clean up as a punishment is wrong. In the mind, cleaning will be associated with something unpleasant and intrusive. It is necessary to cultivate a love of order, after cleaning the child should feel satisfaction from the work performed.
3. Do not focus on the fact that cleaning is a direct responsibility of the child, from which there is nowhere to hide. Better to put it differently, helping parents to maintain cleanliness, the ability to create comfort around yourself, so that you yourself feel good.
4. There is no need to demand an ideal result from the child, he copes to the best of his ability.