If you meet a woman with whom you want to live your whole life, you need to take care of her, love her, feed her deliciously and tell fairy tales at night. And also - to accustom her to the idea that next to her is a faithful and reliable friend.

Be her friend
Even if a woman is not yet in love with you, you need to show signs of attention that will be pleasant to her. For example, she loves the work of Justin Timberlake, but does not know that next Friday there will be his performance. Report it and buy a ticket for her.
Or she is completely "sewn up" with the preparation for the exams. Offer her help. Explain difficult questions, teach how to remember all the necessary information as quickly as possible.
Tasty to feed
When a loving man feeds a woman deliciously, he kind of tames her. At the same time, it is not necessary to drive her constantly to expensive restaurants. Especially if a man knows how to cook and knows the culinary preferences of his beloved. If she loves baking, bake her favorite kale pie. She will feel warm and comfortable with you.
Tell fairy tales
People at heart continue to be children. Your woman also wants to watch an interesting movie, listen to her favorite music, or read something interesting. Give these treats regularly. Take her to the cinema and to performances, to concerts of her favorite musical groups. Download the music she wants to listen to on the Internet. And also tell her fairy tales or interesting stories at night.
Protect a woman, buy and give her gifts
Trying to tame a woman for a long time, a man constantly protects her from problems. Or it helps to solve them quickly and easily. By his actions, he seems to constantly tell her: “Do not be afraid! I'm with you! I will not leave you and will always help!"
Women love gifts. And they don't have to be expensive. The main thing is that they are needed. Therefore, the sure way to a woman's heart is to buy and give them. These gifts are like sugar cubes that an experienced animal trainer uses to tame the animals. The woman gets used to the fact that next to her is a man who is full of surprises.
Love her
But the main way you can tame a woman is to love her. Like a fire in a fireplace, your love will warm a woman. The beloved should constantly feel the warmth emanating from you. She must know that at any time she can come and “warm up” at this hearth of cordiality, warmth and adoration.
But at the same time, love should not tire. You should not stick to a woman with a "bath sheet" and constantly say words of love and admiration. You need to have the strength to let go of your beloved. Give the opportunity to live separately if she wants to. Perhaps, at a distance, she will be able to calmly realize what kind of close and dear person is in her life.