Many couples in love break up over time. This is due to the fact that they have different temperaments and characters. And according to astrologers, the main thing is that there is compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, under which these people were born. What signs of the zodiac is Taurus compatible with?

They are born under the sign of Taurus from April 21 to May 20. This sign refers to the element of the earth. People born under it are characterized by hard work, creativity, resourcefulness. Most often, they take a wait-and-see attitude and wait for an opportunity in any situation. Such people love to joke, make a good impression on others, and have a natural charm. In love, they prefer constancy, but at the same time they have a rich sexual imagination. They always go ahead to their goals without any hesitation. They practically do not give in to offenses and are true optimists.
At the same time, people born under the sign of Taurus have such negative qualities as stubbornness, laziness, love of pleasure and passion. When any problems arise, they begin to complain to everyone about their life. They are very jealous people, which can also be attributed to negative qualities.
The Taurus woman is a very open and sociable person, has a special attractiveness, loves beautiful things, is fond of her spiritual education and has a good sense of humor.
The Taurus man is a very intelligent and versatile person, very self-confident. In women, he loves a rich inner world and external attractiveness, does not accept criticism and can quickly lose his temper. Such a person is a very sensual lover, but requires response from his woman.
As for the health of people of this sign, they tend to be overweight, often get sore throat and are susceptible to thyroid diseases and hormonal disruptions.
Taurus, in order to find the perfect match for themselves, need to know about compatibility with other signs of the zodiac.
Taurus Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs

Initially, this union has many negative aspects. They are both very calm, but stubborn. Therefore, together it is quite difficult for them to achieve success in life. Taurus and Aries have no time to pay attention to external problems, they are all the time engaged in sorting out the relationship: who is more important and stronger in this pair. At the same time, Taurus is very patient with Aries' frivolity, but accumulates all this negative energy in itself and rejoices when Aries becomes unwell.
This union is ideal for a man and a woman. Due to the fact that Taurus is very honest and calm, Pisces sees in them the embodiment of reliability. Only in such a relationship will Taurus have to come to terms with the dreaminess of Pisces, which they succeed in doing.
Aquarians love freedom and are very difficult to influence from other people. Therefore, in these relations, it is unlikely that it will go beyond the usual short-term meetings. Aquarians don't like being restricted by any rules. Consequently, it is very difficult to conclude a marriage between these signs. But Taurus and Aquarius, thanks to their cheerful nature, can become real friends.
In order for this union to last for a long time, Taurus and Capricorn will have to be more patient with each other. Otherwise, they will only be friends and nothing else. It is stubbornness that makes these signs constantly fight for power in relations with each other.
If everything fits together, then you can get one of the strongest alliances between people. But for this, Taurus needs to learn to endure the frivolity of Sagittarius, and Sagittarius to lead a less active life and, more often, listen to the opinion of Taurus. Mutual sympathy very often manifests itself between them already on the first date and does not go away for a long time.
For a good and warm relationship between these signs, you need to find a compromise. They have similar personalities and both prefer leading positions in this relationship. It is this quality that prevents them from becoming an ideal couple. But, of course, the general compatibility of Taurus and Scorpio is very strong.
Strong feelings immediately arise between these signs, which are constantly fueled by an ardent and passionate relationship. Over time, Libra can develop a sense of freedom. But, in this case, his stubbornness will come to the aid of Taurus, and then the relationship between them will become even stronger.
In this relationship, passion is completely absent. But they have excellent compatibility, and long and strong marriages are most often concluded between these signs. Although Virgos are very self-reliant and independent, Taurus's loyalty wins their hearts forever.
Most likely, these signs of the zodiac can only be friends with each other. Their love compatibility is at the lowest level. Leos are used to subordinating everyone to their will, but Taurus does not really like it. Therefore, only friendship and nothing else. This will be the best option in this relationship.
These signs begin their relationship with far-reaching plans and fully implement them. They just have perfect compatibility. Both Taurus and Cancer love calmness and comfort. Therefore, a good life and strong feelings will help this union grow into a real relationship for a long time.
This pair has very poor compatibility. Taurus is very slow, and Gemini, on the contrary, prefers lightness and speed. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to establish such relations. Over time, they will begin to greatly annoy each other, and the only way out of this situation will be a complete separation. Maybe these signs should not rush and try to slowly develop their relationship. Then maybe something will work out.
Nothing will come of this relationship. Each of them is used to living by their own rules and always tries to impose them on others. Therefore, people with the same sign of Taurus are better off not establishing strong and long-term relationships, but confine themselves to friendship at a distance.
As you can see from this article, Taurus is most compatible with Cancer, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius. With all the other signs of the zodiac, they can be limited to friendly relations.