Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Zodiac Sign Compatibility
Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Sometimes it happens that it is very difficult to build a harmonious relationship with this or that person, despite sympathy and mutual warm feelings. Sometimes in a similar situation, the compatibility horoscope can give answers to questions.

Zodiac sign compatibility
Zodiac sign compatibility

What is a compatibility horoscope?

The zodiac sign is influenced not only by the stars and patron planets, but also by various elements. This leaves a kind of imprint, and therefore not all signs are suitable for each other. Most often, there is an ordinary confrontation of various elements.

Each sign carries a certain type of character, the features of which are inherent in most of its representatives. Thus, having familiarized yourself with the compatibility of various signs with your own, you can better understand the position of other people, explain some of their actions and build harmonious relationships with them. Also, the compatibility horoscope can give you advice on how to behave so as not to spoil a friendship or, for example, a recently born romance.

However, if the horoscope indicates your incompatibility, this does not mean that your relationship will go wrong. According to astrologers, there are no completely incompatible signs. You just need to prepare yourself for the fact that not everything will go as smoothly as you want, and make more efforts to achieve mutual understanding in a couple. And recommendations from the horoscope will help smooth out sharp corners.

Individual forecast for different signs

If you want more specific advice on building a relationship with your partner, it is best to contact a professional astrologer and ask him to draw up an individual compatibility horoscope for you.

The fact is that in one zodiac sign there can be up to three main groups that determine the initial and transition periods of the zodiac sign. A special case is with the transitional signs of the zodiac. These include people born on the first three and last three days of this sign. During this period, neither the ascending nor the retrograde zodiac sign had time to take full effect, leaving the person as if without a specific zodiac sign, therefore, their horoscope will be slightly different.

In addition, to draw up an individual compatibility horoscope, you will need to know the exact time and place of a person's birth, because there are many configurations of the position of the planets. In other words, the usual horoscope of compatibility will outline the situation for you in general terms, and an individual forecast, calculated according to the exact personal data of you and your partner, will help provide significant assistance and warn about the main obstacles of your union.
