Learning a foreign language teaches children to discipline, helps to train memory, develops perseverance and attention. All this is provided that the learning process is continuous and also interesting for a small child, i.e. involves a constant change of activity.

Step 1
The optimal age to start learning foreign languages is 4-6 years. At the same time, the child by this time should master his native speech well: pronounce all the sounds of his native language, know all the letters, and have a large vocabulary. A preschooler is able to learn individual words, phrases, simple songs and poems in English. If you have the ability to create a language environment at home, then learning can go faster. But still, try to treat this issue without fanaticism. The child should be fun and interesting to learn. Watch cartoons in English with him, read fairy tales, and the result will surely be.
Step 2
What the kid saw and touched is best remembered. Introduce your child to the letters of the English alphabet using pictures, cards and toys in class. Hearing is well developed in young children. Include audio lessons, listening to them, the child will better remember the exact pronunciation. It is important that each lesson evokes positive emotions in the child: combine study with play.
Step 3
Show objects indoors and outdoors and name them in English. Save grammar, tenses, and irregular verbs for later, just expand your vocabulary. Only after that, study the transcription, and then try to read, starting with the simplest words. Get an English dictionary with colorful illustrations, it will always arouse the interest of a child. Take a few minutes every day to remember with your baby what you have already learned and add new material to it.
Step 4
There are techniques that allow you to study a foreign language from a very early age. Glen Doman's cards with images of objects and signatures in English can even be shown to babies. Doman's technique is based on the characteristics of a good visual memory of children. Zaitsev cubes with English letters or their combinations are recommended to be used from the age of two.