Education is a subjective thing. There are no definite rules for the education and development of a child, so all children grow up different, with their own views on life, with dissimilar characters and personal understanding of what is good and what is bad. This is not given from birth, but instilled in the process of education. Modern pedagogy has changed, as well as the methods of education. How to raise obedient children?

You can never be sure that a specific method of upbringing is ideal and gives one hundred percent results. This is wrong. Each has its own error. It all depends not even on the method, but on how the parents use it. Everything is learned in practice, and until the parents test the methodology in practice, it is impossible to say that a theoretically defined method of upbringing is good.
The first method is totalitarian. Parents from childhood make it clear to the child who is in charge in the family. Initially, the child does not know that it is necessary to obey the elders. This does not happen! With a totalitarian approach to upbringing, the parent, maybe in a harsh form, must explain to the child that parents are the main people and they must be obeyed. It is necessary to explain what happens to disobedience and so on. This harsh method is used for young children when they are just starting to understand how to behave at home. When he realizes that parents must be obeyed, you can soften the ardor of education. In this case, you should not limit the will of the baby. The totalitarian method consists only in the obedience of the child, and not in control over his every step. This fine line needs to be felt.
The opposite method is me. In different textbooks on education and pedagogy, it is called differently. Its essence is that you need to make friends with the child and, with the help of friendship, convince that you need to obey your parents. Moreover, children need to be praised. When parents praise their children, they release the hormone of happiness, and the little ones are willing to do a lot for their parents to praise them again. However, it is easy here to turn parenting into a race for praise.
The article discusses two opposite methods of raising children. Ideally, you can "play with these methods." For example, in early childhood it is hard to explain that you need to obey your elders, and already when the child understands this, try to make friends with him and praise him. With the right approach to using these methods, the child must learn to obey, or at least respect, elders and parents. However, this is so in theory, but in practice everything turns out differently.