How To Choose Contact Lenses For A Child

How To Choose Contact Lenses For A Child
How To Choose Contact Lenses For A Child

There are many myths around contact lenses, although they were created a long time ago and are successfully used by ophthalmologists to correct vision. Often, adults are categorically against the wearing of lenses by a child. However, by following a few rules, you can avoid potential danger and save your child from the need to wear glasses.

According to some reports, contact lenses can inhibit the development of myopia
According to some reports, contact lenses can inhibit the development of myopia

While many parents oppose children's contact lenses, their offspring, especially with the onset of the transition period, often dream of changing their boring glasses to lenses. Adults worry that children might get an eye infection, that lenses will impair vision, and so on. Most of the fears are associated with deficiencies in the first generation of lenses. Modern materials solve the issue of using lenses even for babies. Of course, in these cases we are talking about congenital myopia, the absence of the lens or iris, and other rare diseases. Most often, lenses are prescribed for children from 8-13 years old.

Children and adolescents are shown exclusively so-called "breathing" lenses, that is, silicone hydrogel. They easily pass oxygen through themselves, which means there is no threat of vascular growth into the cornea due to lack of air. Daily replacement lenses are ideal. With them, you do not need to worry about whether the child has thoroughly washed the lens before putting it on and has not forgotten to change the solution for overnight storage. Lenses with a two-week replacement period are acceptable, but a month is already the deadline.

After buying lenses, it is important, under the supervision of a specialist, to teach your son or daughter how to put them on and take them off correctly. At first, it is important to control whether they are taken off before bedtime (until the process becomes a habit). It is especially important to ensure that the child does not over-wear the lenses for longer than the prescribed period of use. In addition, they should not be worn during colds, flu and other illnesses, in which there is a fever, runny nose, watery eyes, etc.

Contact lenses have unambiguous contraindications, but there are not many of them. These are inflammatory processes in the organs of vision, some anatomical defects of the eyes, and such systemic diseases as diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism.
