Tights are an integral part of a little boy's wardrobe. Many boys wear them under their trousers in the cold season before entering school. But are tights so useful? And how to choose them correctly?

What are tights for boys
Starting at the age of one, boys begin to wear tights. Unlike the sliders, which still slip, the tights sit tightly on the child's legs and, moreover, keep them warm in the cold season. At the age when children begin to go to kindergarten, a T-shirt, shorts and tights become the usual form for being in a group. This makes it easier to change your baby's clothes for a walk, replacing the shorts with winter overalls or trousers.
Even if your child doesn't wear tights in a group, still leave a pair in the changing drawer just in case.
However, when choosing clothes, it is still necessary to take into account the temperature regime. If the batteries in the group are well heated or the heater is working, it is advisable to replace the tights and shorts with light sweatpants or remove the tights altogether, leaving the boy in shorts and cotton socks. This will complicate the preparation for the street, as you will have to wear tights under your winter clothes. But just imagine how uncomfortable it is for a kid in ten clothes to go to morning gymnastics, physical education, and even just be in a group room with twenty kids. As a way out, you can suggest tucking the training pants into the socks in which the baby walks in a group, and then put on warm clothes on top for a walk.
How to choose tights for boys
The first thing you should pay attention to is the material from which the tights are made. The cheaper they are, the more synthetic fiber they contain. And the more synthetic additives, the less convenient and useful they are. Ideally, tights should be 90-100% cotton. But preference should be given not to the old believers Soviet, but to modern tights with a children's print and well-fitting child's legs.
From the age of five, you can buy underpants instead of tights for boys.
Among the Belarusian goods you can find high quality children's clothing. The color of the tights matters too. More often, moms choose blue or black shades, because they are less easily soiled and there will be no big trouble if the marks from the markers are not removed. However, for a change, you can buy tights and more cheerful and bright shades: yellow, orange and green, with animals and cartoon characters.
The size of the tights for boys is of the essence. So, if the tights are small, the child will try to pull them higher and get nervous, besides this, they will barely cover the ass. And if the tights are large, then they will hang like an accordion, which will also cause inconvenience.