In the minds of sleeping people, images appear in the form of visual images, sounds, smells, tactile sensations, which add up to separate episodes and events. A person usually does not understand that he is sleeping and thinks that this is reality, despite the ridiculous and impossible things that can happen in dreams. But in rare cases, you can realize that this is a dream, after which events can be changed according to your view.

Lucid dreams
In most cases, people do not understand that they are sleeping - they see dreams and perceive them as reality. Strange events and extraordinary things do not seem unnatural to them and do not suggest that this may be a dream. Only in rare cases are some people able to see lucid dreams, during which a person realizes that he is sleeping. Quite often, lucid dreams happen in childhood, someone sees such dreams throughout their life without special techniques, but most of them need to study this specially in order to see a lucid dream.
Lucid dreams are not just dreams in which a person realizes that everything that surrounds him is not real. In such dreams, everything can be changed at will: you can control events, call specific visions. Learning to do this is also not very easy, in most cases you need to train for a long time in order to be successful in changing dreams.
A person is able to change dreams, since dreams are a product of his brain. Until a person understands that this is a dream, events change each other subconsciously, but with awareness, consciousness turns on. Dreams can be changed in the same way as you can change images in your imagination. This is not esoteric, but a scientifically proven fact. The most famous scientist who worked on lucid dreams is Stephen LaBerge, his works become the reference books for everyone who wants to learn how to change their dreams.
How can you change your dreams?
To learn lucid dreams, you need a lot of patience, only a few manage to realize dreams the first time. First, you need to write down your dreams after waking up. It is advisable to read as much literature on this topic as possible, think more often about lucid dreams, this will tune the subconscious and consciousness of a person. It is necessary to choose one of the methods of reality check. For example, in a dream, everything is too changeable, therefore, looking at the clock, you cannot tell the time for sure - the hands jump from place to place. If you look at the palm, there may be six fingers on it. Another way is to remember what happened five minutes ago, in a dream it will not work. Having chosen this method, you need to check yourself as often as possible during the day. Of course, you are sure that you are not sleeping, but this will help you develop a habit. After a week or two of constant workouts, you will automatically look at your watch or your hand in sleep and find that you are asleep.
Once you become aware of your dreams, you can begin to learn how to change them. You should not start with complex scenarios, lucid dreams are too elusive, they end quickly, after a few seconds a person usually forgets that this is a dream. Learn to concentrate while you sleep. Start with small changes, for example, imagine a thing and look back - it may be in front of you. Gradually, you will get more and more: you can create beautiful landscapes, interesting scenarios, meet people with whom you would like to meet. Dreams can be modified so that you can do what you like best without restrictions: in lucid dreams you can fly, visit any corner of the planet, taste any delicious food.