Baby expectations are one of the happiest and, at the same time, anxious periods in a woman's life. That is why pregnancy is surrounded by a huge number of myths and superstitions.

Everyone decides for himself what to believe in. Someone is very attentive to all sorts of superstitions and finds daily confirmation of them. Some, on the contrary, believe that you can only trust scientifically based facts. Nevertheless, superstitions, like all sorts of legends, tales, epics, have become firmly established in everyday life.
Expectant mothers often hear that cutting hair during pregnancy is unacceptable. Why? There are various answers to this question. For a long time, hair was given great importance, it was believed that it retains the strength and wisdom of generations, therefore, women had never cut their hair before. It doesn't matter if it was the waiting time for the baby or not. In later times, it was believed that by cutting hair, a woman reduces the amount of happiness in the life of a long-awaited little man. According to another version, hair cutting leads to a reduction in the health of the child. In any interpretation, the sign says that this procedure will negatively affect the most long-awaited and most dear person in a woman's life.
Therefore, the expectant mother finds herself in a difficult situation. Even a non-superstitious person during pregnancy becomes more sensitive to all kinds of prejudices if they concern a baby.
Scientific view
On the other hand, a woman always strives for beauty. She wants to look stylish and well-groomed, especially on the eve of a joyful event.
From the point of view of science, a haircut during pregnancy cannot affect the vital functions of the fetus. Moreover, due to the activity of some hormones, during this period the hair grows at a double rate and becomes thicker. However, after childbirth, the situation often changes in the opposite direction. Hair requires particularly careful care and a range of restorative procedures. Therefore, a haircut during pregnancy is not only necessary for the moral satisfaction of a woman, but will also be beneficial for the hair.
If a woman is dissatisfied with her appearance, it causes stress, leads to a bad mood and dissatisfaction with life. All this negatively affects not only the well-being of the expectant mother, but also her baby. This once again suggests that a haircut during pregnancy is necessary if it is so important for a woman, so that she feels desirable and beautiful.
Any of the many signs finds both its supporters and opponents. Which side to choose in this matter is a private matter for everyone. The main thing is for a pregnant woman to feel comfortable during this important period of her life.