How To Write An Essay On How To Change The World

How To Write An Essay On How To Change The World
How To Write An Essay On How To Change The World

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While studying at school and university, one of the common types of tasks is writing an essay-reasoning on a particular topic. For example, a student can tell you how you can change the world around you for the better.

How to write an essay on how to change the world
How to write an essay on how to change the world


Step 1

Start your essay with an introduction. Tell us how you see the current state of the world around you, for example, how people live in different countries, are you personally satisfied with how a person affects nature and society. Communicate that there are problems in the world that need to be addressed in order to preserve the wealth of the planet and create favorable conditions for life for people and animals.

Step 2

Dedicate the next 2-3 paragraphs to highlighting what you think are the main problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible. For example, tell us about the irresponsible attitude of man to nature: deforestation, hunting rare species of animals, pollution of water bodies, etc. Also describe the problem of military conflicts that lead to the destruction of large natural areas and human settlements. Tell us about major social issues such as poverty, hunger, illiteracy, etc. Describe the countries and cities with the least favorable situation.

Step 3

The subsequent part of the text can be devoted to a description of the ways of solving the problems that have developed in the world. Get creative and use knowledge from other disciplines to write as many interesting and effective methods as possible. Give examples of civil society organizations that are fighting the consequences of human harm and helping to prevent new disasters: the UN, the Red Cross, the Wildlife Fund and others.

Step 4

Do not forget to talk about how the consciousness of people should change, and what can help in this. Note the fact that changing the world should start with changing yourself, for example, taking care of the people around you and showing kindness more often, not harming wildlife, passing on relevant knowledge to new generations, etc.

Step 5

Move on to presenting your own opinion. Tell us what influence you have on the world around you, have you done negative actions, have helped prevent harm done to nature by other people. Using your imagination, try to come up with and suggest new ways to maintain order in the world around you.

Step 6

Conclude the essay-reasoning with a conclusion, in which you again focus on the instability of the modern world and the presence of problems in it that require a prompt solution. Express your opinion about certain actions of people in relation to both preserving the environment and causing damage to it. Tell us if you will continue to fight for the preservation of well-being in the world and how.
