In the modern world, children are increasingly haunted by the habit of biting their lips. The reason for the emergence of a bad habit can be both nervous tension and the banal feeling of hunger. So that the child does not go on about his instincts, you should use the following tips.

Step 1
Honey, mustard, or petroleum jelly will help you to stop biting your lips. Apply one of the suggested products to your child's lips and leave to absorb for a while. Lips smeared with honey or petroleum jelly will be difficult to bite. Liquid sticky honey can make your lips stick together, so don't apply thickly.
Step 2
You can also smear mustard on your lips. If a child tries to bite his lip, he will feel bitterness and is unlikely to want to try again. Vaseline works by the same principle - it is fatty and has a bitter unpleasant taste.
Step 3
Usually, the process of biting the lip occurs at the time of a nervous shock, stress, when an urgent decision needs to be made. In this situation, give your child a small sugary lollipop or gum. Chewing candy will distract him from the bad habit and help him focus on the problem and finding a solution.
Step 4
Seek help from cosmetics. Apply a colorless lip gloss to your baby's lips. It is sticky, slippery, and you won't be able to bite your lip.
Step 5
Take the child to the mirror and show how the wound on the lips spoils his appearance. Explain that through it, an infection can enter the body, which can lead to illness.
Step 6
Lip biting is usually triggered by a signal from the brain. The child can deceive him. Tell him to focus on something good, get distracted, and dream. Fond memories or fictitious images can distract consciousness from a bad habit. The main thing is to do this as often as possible so that the brain stops sending signals that cause lip biting.