Jealousy. Painful, exhausting, not allowing you to enjoy the joys of being to the fullest … If you are jealous, first of all you need to understand that these emotions are destructive, they do not bring anything good either to you or to your soul mate. When you understand this, try to honestly find out for yourself what caused the jealousy, and, taking this into account, begin to unlearn jealousy.

Step 1
Love yourself. Perhaps the attacks of your jealousy are due to the fact that you are unhappy with your appearance, unsure of yourself. Therefore, any person who, in your opinion, is better than you, can cause another outbreak. Do not indulge in thoughts that you are unwanted, ugly, or stupid. Stop being a little girl (boy) who (who) likes to drown in her own self-pity. Take action. Lose weight, update your wardrobe, improve your education level, all this together will raise your self-esteem.
Step 2
Step into the place of your half. Imagine that you are tormented every day with questions about where and with whom you were, accused directly and indirectly of infidelity at the slightest glance at a person of the opposite sex. If such an attitude has real grounds, it can still be tolerated. What if the accusations are unfounded? Will they push your half into the arms of a more affectionate and calm person?
Step 3
Be a Buddhist. In most cases, jealousy is the fear of losing what belongs to you. Buddhists believe that all the joys of life are transient, and in order to become truly happy, one must stop wanting more and not seek joy in possession. Push your feelings of possessiveness into the background and enjoy every moment your significant other has given you.
Step 4
Approach the question rationally. Think of jealousy as a destructive feeling. It destroys a person from the inside, interferes with life, takes time, ruins health. Imagine how many minutes (or hours) a day you spend on worrying thoughts, how many useful things you can do - learn Spanish, read Salinger, master all the functions of a new phone. And the main thing is to free your poor heart from self-torture, because you steal happiness only from yourself.