Nursing Mom's Diet: Juices

Nursing Mom's Diet: Juices
Nursing Mom's Diet: Juices

When a woman is breastfeeding, she has to make reasonable dietary restrictions. After all, all the substances that enter the mother's body through breast milk also get to the baby! Therefore, it is better for a woman during this period not to consume highly allergenic foods, spicy, smoked and pickled foods. You should also know which juices can be consumed by a woman during feeding.

Nursing mom's diet: juices
Nursing mom's diet: juices

What juices should not be consumed by a nursing mother

Not all breastfeeding mothers know that juices during feeding can cause allergies in the baby. They find these drinks to be very healthy and they consume them without any restrictions. And this can negatively affect the health of the child.

If a woman is breastfeeding, it is advisable for her to completely abandon any store juices, even if she loves them very much. After all, the vast majority of such juices are made with the addition of all kinds of preservatives (antioxidants, stabilizers) and other artificial components. And this is unlikely to benefit the fragile body of the baby: he may develop allergies, diarrhea and even vomiting.

Some nursing mothers get out of this situation by making juices on their own. But there are also "pitfalls" here. The fact is that the use by a nursing mother of freshly squeezed juices from red apples, oranges, tangerines can cause allergies in the child. If the mother drinks freshly squeezed tomato or grape juice, and then feeds the baby, the child will almost certainly begin to have violent gas formation in the tummy, and diarrhea will open.

What juices can a woman drink while breastfeeding

Doctors recommend that nursing mothers drink freshly squeezed juice from green apples. It perfectly quenches thirst, has good taste, contains many useful substances and, at the same time, almost never causes the described unpleasant consequences in the baby (allergies, colic in the tummy). Still, one should not abuse it. If possible, birch sap should be drunk in the spring. In terms of its tonic effect on the body (in the absence of any side effects), this is one of the most effective and healthy drinks.

You can use a mixture of vegetable juices, such as pumpkin, carrot, beetroot. Separately, they are rather tasteless, but when mixed, they have good taste. Moreover, these juices are just a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Finally, a nursing mother can drink juices made for baby food. After all, there will definitely not be components that can harm her baby. The main thing is to make sure that the tightness of the package has not been broken, and the expiration date has not expired.
