The Diet Of A Nursing Mother: Vegetables To Avoid

The Diet Of A Nursing Mother: Vegetables To Avoid
The Diet Of A Nursing Mother: Vegetables To Avoid

With the birth of a new little man, the life of his mother changes radically, including in terms of food habits. When breastfeeding, the formation of the correct diet, in which only healthy and safe vegetables are present, is especially important.

The diet of a nursing mother: vegetables to avoid
The diet of a nursing mother: vegetables to avoid

Why mom's nutrition is important

The breastfeeding diet provides for quite strict food restrictions, especially in the first months of a child's life. Vegetables are no exception, because many of them recommend postponing until a later period when the baby grows up. This is due to the fact that the child's digestive system has not matured and is greatly influenced by the nutrition of the mother herself, who transfers to the baby all its constituent components of the vegetables used through milk. Some of them can contribute to fermentation in the intestines of the child, causing discomfort, as well as provoke a disorder of the stool. It would seem that with this approach it would be easier to give up vegetables in principle, but this is not correct. The latter are a source of essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, in the absence of vegetables in the diet, constipation can begin not only in the mother, but also in the baby.

What vegetables are not recommended for breastfeeding

First of all, these are legumes and cabbage. This variety, unlike Brussels sprouts, broccoli or colored, has a more rigid structure and causes fermentation in the intestines. The form of preparation of this vegetable does not play a role, since both fresh and stewed or sauerkraut can contribute to bloating. Legumes are not recommended for a nursing mother for the same reason, so you should not get carried away with corn, peas or beans. With caution, you should try vegetables that have a bright color: pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes. They can cause allergic reactions in a child. And an excess of carrots or carrot juice can additionally lead to temporary skin pigmentation. Fresh onions and garlic are very useful at any time of the year, but here you need to remember that they can affect the taste of breast milk. Although this is quite individual, therefore it is verified in a practical way. Onions and garlic do not harm the health of the child or his condition.

What is allowed

When choosing vegetables for a nursing mother, you can use all those that grow in the region of residence. Hypoallergenic zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli are ideal. You can also cook potatoes, beets, and use herbs. In the absence of a negative reaction in a child, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, bell peppers, pumpkin are no less useful. In general, there can be no universal recommendations as to which vegetables are strictly prohibited for breastfeeding and which are safe, since it largely depends on the individual characteristics of the baby's digestion.
