Disposable diapers are, of course, very comfortable and therefore gaining more and more popularity among moms. But the artificial system is not to everyone's liking, and there are still fans of natural swaddling - the baby is surrounded by natural fabrics, less harm to the environment and, finally, there is no need to constantly buy packs of disposable diapers.

diaper size 90x120 or 70x120
Step 1
To tie a reusable diaper, take a piece of cloth the size of a diaper (90x120 cm or 70x120 cm). It is good if the edges of the fabric will be overlocked or simply hemmed with one fold. In this case, the threads will not crumble and interfere with the baby.
Step 2
Place the fabric on the table with the short side facing you and grab the closest corners. Connect the corners and fold the part closest to you in half (the far part will remain on the table in one layer).
Step 3
Fold the diaper in such a way that the far part lies in a triangle (the point is towards you), and the near part is wrap to the left. Both folds should be in the center of the triangle
Step 4
Begin folding the absorbent portion of the diaper out of the diaper. Step back from the center fold a few centimeters to the left and mentally draw a line - this will be a new fold line. Flip the rectangle on the left to the right.
Step 5
Step back from the center fold again a few centimeters to the right - this will be a new fold. Flip the rectangle to the left. Thus, fold it like an accordion, increasing the thickness of the absorbent part, which will be located between the baby's legs.
Step 6
In addition, add a cloth or rag pad to the inside of the absorbent part, if necessary. This thickening will allow the diaper to absorb more liquid.
Step 7
Now pay attention to the triangle lying at the bottom. To make the edges tighter, tuck them inward a couple of centimeters. The diaper is ready
Step 8
Place the baby inside the diaper and stretch the absorbent section between the legs towards the belly. Grab the sides of the baby with the corners of the triangle and tie them on the tummy, capturing the central part. To make it easier to remove and put on a cloth diaper, instead of tying the ends, simply wrap them inward, trying to make it as tight as possible.