It's no secret that new generations are different from previous ones. Modern toys for children are not what they used to be. Of course, some guys cannot sit still, but there are very few of them. For the most part, modern children prefer computer entertainment.

Computer toys have replaced ordinary bears and dolls. Now children choose the characters of their favorite cartoons and spend time with them in virtual reality. Most of the mini-games do not harm children, however, there are both positive and negative sides.
One cartoon about girlfriends - daughters of horror characters is popular among girls. On the one hand, these girls are stylishly dressed and brightly colored, on the other, the girlfriends have an unhealthy complexion and accessories in the form of coffins.
Some psychologists sound the alarm, but there is nothing they can do, because they are not allowed to interfere with families. However, not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance. If you watch a cartoon with children, you can understand that in this way children learn all aspects of life and cope with their fears together with the characters. As for toys, even a harmless bear can bring harm if associated with an unpleasant situation.
Computer games
Computer games remain another problem for parents. Children love to spend time on quests, shooters and adventure games. Sometimes they relieve stress in this way or replenish the emotional state. If the kid spends too much time in such a game, then he either has a lot of free time, or problems have appeared.
Negative influence
It is harmful for small children to spend more than ten minutes at the computer, and schoolchildren are allowed to study for up to one hour. Otherwise, the child's vision may deteriorate, and a curvature of the spine may appear.
Modern toys for children can be harmless if the child is not allowed to spend all the time behind them. Enroll the baby in mugs, walk with him in the fresh air. Then your child will be fully developed.