A two-year-old baby empirically learns the properties of the objects around him. What toys should he buy?

Constructors, games with water, drawing, games with kitchen utensils, with sand and bulk products, with natural materials, with small objects, modeling will be useful. From constructors and blocks, the kid can already build thematic buildings (houses, castles, garages, bridges, etc.).
Various rocking chairs, jumping toys, tolokar cars, a bicycle, a running bike, a scooter will become cognitive.
A "magic bag" with various objects that he can name and identify by touch will be interesting for the baby and useful for his development.
At this age, kids like to play "house" - you can buy a "children's house" or a tent, or you can build a house yourself from pillows, mattresses, throwing a blanket on the table.
At the age of two, the kid likes to put everything in its place - a variety of drawers, boxes, caskets and handbags will come in handy, where he can store his "valuables".
The child begins to take care of soft toys, the plot of the game becomes more complicated, although there is still no logical connection between the actions. It is very important that these toys (dolls or animals) portray babies, evoke positive emotions.
It is important to note that there should not be too many toys, this will only distract attention and disorient the baby.