The choice of a spiritual father is a very responsible matter. Indeed, in one person you acquire both the closest person and the one with whom you need to share the unpleasant moments of life. In addition, he must necessarily be a deeply moral person, because it is his advice that you will ask and wait for. This means that they must be wise and correct. Therefore, you need to choose your spiritual father very carefully.

Step 1
You should start looking for a mentor only if you are already firmly convinced that you need one. In order not to be mistaken in your choice, you must first pray. Then God himself will help you in your search and will certainly lead you to the person who is most suitable for this role.
Step 2
In order not to be mistaken with your choice, do not seek to take the very first priest to whom you have confessed as your confessor. Go to the temple, take a closer look at the priests, listen to what they say about each of them. And, of course, pay attention to who your heart is in.
Step 3
Priests in the Church can be conditionally divided into two categories: those who are quite strict in matters of church discipline (observance of all rituals, services, fasts, prayers, etc.), and those who are a little softer and more flexible towards their "children" … It is also necessary to take these parameters into account when choosing a spiritual father. If you are going to strictly follow all traditions and customs, then you need to look for a confessor among the first group of clergy. These, as a rule, will be monks, abbots or archimandrites. If you have a family, and you do not want to delve too deeply into religious issues, then your choice will fall on the second group. Here the priests are also family people, and among them, mainly, priests and archpriests.
Step 4
As soon as you choose a suitable priest, you need to arrange a personal meeting with him and ask him to take on the duties of your spiritual father. At the same time, you can agree with him about the date of the first confession. If you were able to find such a person who gives off a feeling of warmth and kindred spirit, then you are very lucky. After all, it is this person who will take care of your peace of mind and ask the Lord for mercy for you.