When people are deceived, they promise that they themselves will not deceive anyone. However, over time, this promise is forgotten. If your partner cheated on you, try to understand why he did it, what prompted him to do it.

Step 1
Cheating is caused by a variety of factors. It is important to identify the root cause. Perhaps the deception was due to problems in your relationship. Perhaps you are missing something new, exciting.
Step 2
After determining the reason for the cheating, couples should make changes in the relationship so that the cheating does not happen again. If your partner refers to the fact that relationship problems are causing him to cheat, you need to try to solve the problems.
Step 3
On the other hand, some of the factors that contribute to cheating may be genetic. A partner by nature loves to take risks, seeks thrills, can calmly deceive. These genetic factors may explain why some people find it difficult to be faithful.
Step 4
If you close your eyes to the first deception of a loved one, the possibility of being deceived again is very high. Typically, the best factor in a partner's future behavior is his or her past behavior. That is, if you initially solve the problem with deception, then you probably will not return to it.
Step 5
Will he cheat once - will he always cheat? It depends on the cause of the deception. Some types of deception are much easier to solve than others.
Change, of course, is possible, but difficult. This will take a lot of effort. Without the firm belief to change, people often make the same mistakes over and over again.