Teenagers are especially sensitive to changes in fashion: they are also aware of modern trends in clothing, and, of course, they are guided in matters of technology. Therefore, for parents, sooner or later, the question arises of buying another gadget for their growing son or daughter. Among all the others, a laptop stands out for its practicality and utility.

The question of buying something as expensive as a laptop can cost parents and children a lot of nerves. On the one hand, why does a teenager need such an expensive device? And after all, a child will not be satisfied with any cheap computer - he needs a good, modern and new one. But on the other hand, such a multitasking tool as a laptop can help your child out in many matters.
The advantages of a laptop are its lightness and portability. It can be carried from place to place, installed where it is convenient, taken with you to school or on trips. It is convenient to use the laptop exactly where it is needed, and it does not take up much space.
Useful application
A laptop is required for study. Of course, many parents are quite skeptical about such a statement: a laptop is used for studying less time than for communicating on social networks and watching the next series. In addition, buying a tablet or even a desktop computer is much cheaper, and their functionality is similar. And yet this opinion is not entirely correct: a laptop is more mobile than a stationary computer and much more convenient than a tablet when working.
And a teenager will really have to use a laptop for study: abstracts, essays, reports need to be printed somewhere, the Internet is used to search for information. Electronic libraries will provide an almost inexhaustible supply of various books and textbooks. And there are a lot of educational sites on the World Wide Web, they can help a teenager in learning about the world and in preparing for lessons. You just need to send the child in the right direction so that the parents' money is justified by success in school or college, and then in college.
Creativity and entertainment
A laptop is also useful for creativity. Its functions already have or can be installed programs for drawing, processing photos, playing and recording music. Not to mention, with this device you can easily keep a diary or blog, write a book, exchange interesting files and find people with similar interests.
You need a laptop for entertainment, because it is impossible to constantly think only about studying. Not a single device with access to the network can do without this function: a teenager will find entertainment on the Internet, if not from a laptop, then from a tablet or from a phone, so it is useless to prohibit such functions in such a useful device. And the choice of entertainment is truly huge: social networks, online games, entertainment portals and forums, sites with films and TV series, and much more. It is important to teach your teen to use the right resources and restrict access to adult and prohibited sites.