Not every woman is delighted with a marriage proposal. And not always everyone knows that it is possible to respond to such a manifestation of feelings. Psychologists, in turn, have developed a number of tips that will help give the correct answer and not offend a man.

Step 1
Of course, the easiest way to answer a marriage proposal is the standard "yes" or "no". However, in the first case it will be quite trivial, and in the second it will be offensive. But if you want to avoid long explanations and excuses, then this is your option.
Step 2
If you do not like the gentleman, and together with him you are not satisfied with the relationship, then you can not be shy in the wording. It all depends on the degree of your upbringing. But before you decide to part with this man in this way, think again. After all, after that, you are unlikely to still meet with him and communicate normally.
Step 3
If you are indifferent to a young man, but want to maintain friendly relations with him, you need to answer very carefully. One option is to joke the sentence. But in no case should you make fun of a man. Just plug in your sense of humor. For example, tell him that you have not received a more gallant offer, so you need to consider how to respond gallantly to it. So you will gain time to come up with a worthy answer, and you will not offend your beau.
Step 4
Try to refer to external circumstances. Say that you are not ready yet, you have studies, work, vacation only in a year (underline the necessary). This will help you postpone returning to this issue for a long enough period.
Step 5
If you still want to answer the offer to marry with cherished consent, then you shouldn't rush anyway. Tell him what you need to think about - this will only once again heat up the man's interest in you. After all, since you do not answer immediately, it means that you are not completely sure of your feelings. And this is a new reason to conquer you completely. Wait a day or two, and then give your positive answer.
Step 6
You can answer the proposal to get married quite floridly. True, you can do this only if you are sure that your chosen one will appreciate such experiments. For example, you can buy a puzzle and answer a man using a kind of allegory. It may sound something like this: "Darling, I hope that in our family life there will be as many happy days as there are pieces in this puzzle."