Record keeping is an important component of the professional activity of a psychologist, especially if it is a psychologist-teacher working in a children's educational institution. Each line of business is accompanied by documentation.

Step 1
If a psychologist is an individual entrepreneur, mandatory reporting for him is: "Book of income and expenses" (a paper version of the book is started for a year and is subject to registration with the tax), reporting under the simplified taxation system - USN (surrendered once a year), the average number of employees … If the psychologist works alone, he puts “0” in the “number of employees” column.
Step 2
If a person is a teacher-psychologist and works in an educational institution, he is required to maintain several types of documentation. Firstly, this is an annual work plan with goals and objectives, which is approved by the head of the institution, and a monthly calendar plan (work schedule).
Step 3
Secondly, it is a logbook of the work done - diagnostic, advisory, expert, correctional and developmental, organizational and methodological, etc. In addition, programs for different types of work should be available.
Step 4
Also, an analytical report is drawn up on the work carried out during the year, which is approved by the head of the educational institution. When compiling this report, the principle of confidentiality and anonymity is observed, therefore the information is summarized and can be presented in the form of tables and diagrams, comparative characteristics. The effectiveness of the work done during the year, successes and difficulties, etc. is analyzed.
Step 5
In addition to the general one, the educational psychologist maintains special documentation. It includes psychological records of patients - for example, a child or a group of children, caregivers, etc. These are the journals of consultations, protocols and records of conversations, observations, surveys, the names of the programs used in the work. This is information about the information given to patients and their relatives, recommendations, as well as written opinions provided to relatives, to different institutions, etc. The psychologist prepares such documentation independently, relying, inter alia, on samples in the available psychological literature. Forms are often used.
Step 6
The educational psychologist maintains documentation in accordance with the main regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in particular, the Regulation on the Service of Practical Psychology in the system of the Ministry of Education. For general documentation, standard forms are used, such as for drawing up an annual plan.