The term "subordination" comes from the Latin word Subordinatio - "submission", "obedience". It characterizes the system of relations, rules associated with the division of people into bosses and subordinates. In the army, police and other paramilitary structures, the order of the chief is the law for the subordinate. This is understandable, because such structures cannot exist without strict discipline. And how to maintain subordination in civilian institutions, and is it even needed?

What are the main principles of subordination
What are the principles and rules of subordination? This question can be answered by considering the following example. Let's say there is a factory or factory. The immediate supervisor of the worker is the foreman, who, accordingly, is subordinate in relation to the head of the section. The head of the section is subordinate to the head of the shop, and he is subordinate to the director of the plant (factory). Accordingly, the director is the boss for all people on the staff of the enterprise.
If the plant (factory) is legally part of a larger structure - an association, a trust, a corporation - the director is subordinate to the leadership of this structure.
The principles of subordination require that the relationship between subordinates and superiors be based on mutual respect, strict adherence to labor discipline and unconditional compliance with the legal orders of the supervisor. Managers have the right to give orders that are binding on all ordinary employees and more subordinate managers, as well as resort to incentives and penalties, within the limits of their authority. Both rewards and penalties must be fair.
Even if a subordinate is guilty, it is unacceptable to humiliate his dignity, use offensive language. This behavior of the boss is incompatible with the rules of subordination.
The subordinate is obliged to treat the boss with respect. However, if he does not agree with his actions, orders, he has the right to appeal them to a higher superior, in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code and the internal regulations of the organization.
How to maintain subordination in the work collective
Leaders at all levels must combine respectful, considerate attitude towards their subordinates with exactingness, and, if necessary, with reasonable rigor. It is necessary to behave politely with subordinates, but frivolity and familiarity should not be allowed. After all, this negatively affects both labor discipline and the moral and psychological climate in the team. Each subordinate must clearly know and understand that there are limits that cannot be exceeded. This also applies to the relationship at the worker-master level, and to the relationship among the top management of the enterprise. Without subordination, the team will not be able to work effectively. Therefore, it must be supported in every possible way.