A person's temperament determines the speed, intensity of his mental reactions and emotional states. You can determine a person's temperament by observation. The person himself can observe, but the assessment of the people around him will be more objective. In an adult, several types of temperament are usually combined. The formed willpower and character helps him to control his temperament. It is much more difficult for a child to control his temperament, because he does not yet have a sufficiently developed will for this. The task of parents is to determine the dominant type of temperament in their child, to study his strengths and weaknesses. There are four main types of temperament: melancholic, sanguine, choleric, and phlegmatic.

long-term observation of the baby
Step 1
Observe the child, if he is prone to the following reactions and types of behavior, then his temperament is sanguine. The baby reacts vividly to the remarks of adults (parents or teachers), asks for forgiveness if he nags, but after five minutes he again takes up his own, with redoubled enthusiasm. If the child has to argue, he actively stands by his opinion, but at the same time is able to hear the opinion of another person. In an unfamiliar room (at a visit, at a doctor, at your work), the child quickly navigates, begins to explore the new world around him. The child quickly changes from one game to another.
Step 2
You usually have a hard time convincing your little one that they are doing the wrong thing. To all your arguments on this matter, he shows anger and sharp disagreement, and then still acts in his own way. He does not take the opinion of his peers seriously and if it comes to an argument, he simply refuses to listen, he can say harsh things, it is easy to offend another person, even hurt. Very quick-tempered. In an unfamiliar environment, he is nervous, it is difficult for him to sit still. If the listed qualities suit your child, his temperament is choleric.
Step 3
Usually, you can easily explain to your child how not to behave. He accepts your comment, agrees and no longer does what you reprimanded him for. If you need to make a decision, your baby never fusses, before doing something, he weighs all the options and chooses the most suitable one. He does all his actions without internal and external fuss. Knows how to concentrate and bring the work started to the end. In a new place for him, he looks around, calmly studying the surrounding objects and people. If the listed qualities suit your child, his temperament is phlegmatic.
Step 4
On comments, requests not to be naughty, the baby is instantly offended, and to the point of tears. If you ask a child what he likes best, ask him to choose between several options (where to go for a walk, what toy to take with him), he usually behaves timidly. It is difficult for him to make decisions. In relations with peers, he is also indecisive, never gets into an argument, prefers to be alone. The child usually hides behind your back in a new environment for him, he behaves inhibited with new people. Almost does not show his emotions. The listed qualities are referred to as melancholic temperament.