A bachelor is a lifestyle. Bachelors, by virtue of their worldview, choose loneliness and freedom. It is very difficult for women with such men. They are inherently more marriage and family oriented. Men are most often inclined towards extramarital affairs and are not ready for responsibility.

Singles as a mistake of nature
It is no secret that men are divided into married and unmarried (single). Bachelors are lonely and not lonely.
Bachelors are men who are disappointed in relationships, love freedom, fear affection and do not seek to start their own family.
Single, single men often do not have stable relationships with women, they often change them. Such men are confident that they know women from the inside.
Non-lonely bachelors have a permanent relationship, but do not strive for marriage.
Bachelors are not ready for a serious relationship, because they do not want to sacrifice personal freedom and feel self-sufficient.
In fact, the problem of such men can be associated with various complexes and weakness of character.
Such individuals are often very ambitious, resourceful, despotic, principled and self-confident. Thanks to their internal guidelines, they are not ready to listen to constant remarks, nagging, reproaches and displeasure from women.
Very often, men make the decision to remain single after a failed marriage.
Is it possible to marry a bachelor?
Inveterate bachelors very often refer to "mama's sons", they feel comfortable and not compelled. They notice solid pluses in a bachelor life.
You can marry a bachelor, because nothing is impossible. But in this case, a woman must have great patience.
A few tips for women:
· To behave with a bachelor man, you need to be careful, with understanding and care to treat him;
· Do not start harsh conversations about family and children;
· Avoid unnecessary questions and interrogations;
· Not be intrusive;
• rejoice at his successes;
· Carefully try to change the bachelor's habits and principles.
Bachelors are able to make serious decisions only if they feel support and care in a woman.