You often hear complaints from girls about the restraint, coldness of their guys. They say, you want your loved ones as often as possible to say affectionate words, compliments, gently touch, kiss, show all kinds of signs of attention that are so dear to a woman's heart. A girl who finds herself in such a situation is confused, sometimes upset to tears. And more and more often the thought comes to her mind: "Does he really love me?" So how do you get a guy to be tender?

Step 1
First of all, do not be upset, let alone fall into depression. The thing is that men and women are completely differently arranged. No, we are not talking about anatomical differences, but about psychological ones, due to a fundamentally different ratio of hormones.
Step 2
Remember firmly: it makes no sense to expect from a young man the same behavior that would be natural for another representative of the fairer sex. This is a serious mistake. Men are much less emotional, respectively, they almost do not attach importance to those little things that are so important for girls in love. There are rare exceptions, of course, but they do not change the overall picture.
Step 3
"Hinting, hinting, almost openly …" - another mistake of the girl. It was necessary not to hint, indignant at his absurdity, but frankly say what you expect from him. Well, was it really so difficult to say something like: "Dear, I am so pleased when you say gentle words to me, or gently stroke my hair, I am just thrilled with happiness!" Remember: your beloved is not a telepathic person, he cannot read thoughts. And everything incomprehensible, unsaid, simply annoys him. Just a few words - and you will save both of you from unnecessary excitement and hassle. Arguments like: "I want him to guess!" just not serious. In the end, a guy does not require a girl to know exactly what he is thinking.
Step 4
Finally, do not forget: in order to receive something from another, you must give something to him. Alas, it is not uncommon for a girl to expect tenderness, compliments, assurances of passionate love, signs of attention from a guy, but she is stingy with both kind words and praise. This already borders on selfishness. After all, the weaker sex is supposed to be more emotional. Show affection for your boyfriend - and he will probably want to answer you in the same way.