Family nudism is not a new phenomenon. In Europe, on special beaches, you can see families with children of different ages, sunbathing "in what the mother gave birth to." A logical question arises - is this normal?

Why nudists undress
Despite the inconsistency and many opponents of nudism, there is a certain rational kernel in this way of life. The fact is that nudists do not undress in order to shock the public or offend others. Their goal is to accept themselves and love their body in its primary form. Do not be ashamed of him, but learn to see his beauty. After all, there is nothing more natural than the human body.
The second reason why people join the nudist movement today is the desire to return to the origins and become closer to nature. As you know, a person is born without clothes. And in primitive tribes, where people are not constrained by either cold or social conventions, everyone walks completely naked, absolutely not embarrassed by this. Undressing and stepping barefoot on the ground and soft grass, nudists feel their unity with nature, which in the modern technogenic world can be very important and significant.
Nudism and children
But walking naked around an apartment or in a dense forest is one thing, and showing oneself in this form to others or members of your family is quite another. Family nudism is also by no means a rare phenomenon today. However, the most difficult and controversial issue here is the way of raising children in such families. If parents are nudists and are used to walking at home without clothes, it often occurs to them to introduce children to the same lifestyle. This is where the fun begins. Psychologists advise to approach this issue very carefully and be sure to explain to children the difference between behavior in the family and in public places. After all, if the baby is used to seeing mom and dad naked from birth and runs around the house like that, it is necessary to make him understand that he should not undress at a party or in kindergarten.
Harmony or moral trauma
Another important point is the psychological aspect of raising a child in a nudist family. Parents should be aware that it is imperative for children during puberty that there is some mystery about gender. If a five-year-old baby can normally perceive his own nudity or the nudity of his family, then at the age of 13 it can already be much more difficult for him, which must be taken into account and respected.
Always remember that each person is unique and has the right to choose. If your kids refuse to undress in your presence, don't insist. Learn to listen to them. The issue of gender differences and sexual education is extremely important when raising children; you should not injure a child by forcing him to do what he does not like.