I was told an interesting story: a beautiful lady of sixty-seven, got married and moved to another city to live with her beloved. It would seem that the situation is common today, and it does not happen. But the whole point of the story is that old doves found each other on the Internet, on a dating site. And why am I worse, any of you will ask, and you will be absolutely right. In addition, such acquaintances happen all the time, clear examples of happy couples among friends and acquaintances should dispel your last doubts.
In order not to be unfounded, I went through all the stages of searching for a betrothed by my personal example. At first she cursed, then she laughed openly, then got a taste of it. Addictive, you know.

Step 1
Choosing a dating site. Here you will have to sweat and revise many variations. First, I recommend reading reviews about various sites, and visiting even the most useless of them yourself (and suddenly the intrigues of envious competitors). Sometimes, it happens, intuition works as soon as you enter the page of the site you have chosen: design, welcome text, convenient and understandable registration will greatly facilitate your search. Register on several sites at the same time in order to then weed out those that you do not like.
Step 2
Profile on the dating site. Take the time and do not be lazy to write about your preferences and hobbies. It seems to you that no one reads these same questionnaires, but only look at the photographs. This is only the case at the first stage. But when applicants are interested in you, they will be curious to know more about you. In addition, almost all dating sites have thought out a system of questioning participants with leading questions. On some, a preliminary psychological test is even carried out in order to scientifically calculate the greatest compatibility of candidates.
To better understand what information to fill your profile with, start looking at the people you are interested in, and you will immediately see all the pros and cons.
To amuse the search process, we turn on the psychological attitude: I am looking for the best of men, he must have such and such qualities, and is worthy of me because … Why he is worthy of you, you should colorfully describe in your questionnaire.
Step 3
How to choose guys on a dating site? I, of course, am not an expert, but from personal experience I can suggest a few positions for relegation, which made me laugh, and sometimes even disgust:
- It is doubtful when a man calls himself Your Sweet Prynz or Tiny Raccoon. This suggests that it doesn't smell like a serious relationship. Another option, not so cloying, but if an adult forty-year-old representative of a strong half of humanity calls himself Vovan or Zhorik, the desire to get to know him somehow disappears. Maybe I'm finding fault, but this is my subjective opinion.
- Young men are also touching, a kind of daffodils, flaunting their naked torsos in the pose of a Greek god. I do not mind, because a beautiful body is not ashamed to show. But when the entire photo collection of a candidate consists only of his inflated body parts, you wonder if you will be jostling with him in the same mirror.
- Now let's talk about uncivilized, bad personalities who will surely litter your messages with offers of intimacy, etc. Alas, no matter what filters you put in order to protect yourself from the encroachments of such individuals, by some miracle they still manage to sneak into Your profile. There is only one way here - ignore. The most important thing is that no matter what you read, no matter what vulgarity they write to you, do not get upset and do not take it to heart. Express your "fu" loudly into space so that negative energy goes into space and does not interfere with your search.
Step 4
Real meetings from a dating site. The denouement is approaching - a meeting in real life. I'll tell you a secret, this is just the beginning, a very rare bird hits the target from the very first time. But how exciting! Do not forget the simplest safety rules: meet in crowded places when it is still light outside, warning your loved ones where and with whom you are going. Well, then the fun begins. According to my observations, in a real meeting, it turns out that the chosen one is not at all what he seemed from photographs and correspondence. One such handsome man in his messages was extremely polite to me, reasoned like a man, wanted to settle down and tie up with the dashing club life of a bachelor. I bought it, my naivety is indestructible, alas. We agreed to meet and take a walk in the park. The handsome man met me at the metro (without flowers, now it is not in fashion, apparently). The meeting went very well. Passing a quiet street, as if by chance I mentioned that there is a good hotel here. I think, okay, I won't panic, maybe just talking about local attractions. The next day, he directly offered to meet at that hotel. So my hopes were dashed with a crash. Another bitter case - after several wonderful dates, my potential fiancé went on a business trip. As it turned out later, he had a wife and three children there, as in the film. I tell these horror stories so that you, dear brides, do not rush to plan a wedding and future children, until you get to know the person better and, which is important, in any condition. Because there were times when I was met on the first date with a fresh fumes. The man justified himself by saying that I was late, so he could not resist, poor fellow, while passing the wait in the nearest pub.