How To Teach A Child To Be Alone

How To Teach A Child To Be Alone
How To Teach A Child To Be Alone

Table of contents:


Currently, independence is the most important quality of every person. In this case, independence has a broad sense of the word: the ability to find solutions to any problems, and not to shift them onto the shoulders of a stranger, as well as to have the ability to make decisions without anyone's help and be fully responsible for making them.

How to teach a child to be alone
How to teach a child to be alone


Step 1

You cannot leave the baby at home all alone, as there are all kinds of children and all kinds of parents. Everything lies in the individual development of each child, whether he is independent, or still does not move away from his mother's skirt. There are also restless children who are afraid of their own shadow or, on the contrary, are completely calm, obedient, or maybe inveterate hooligans? But, in spite of everything, it is not necessary to leave a baby under three years old at home completely alone without supervision. Indeed, at this age, children are still very dependent on their parents, and they do not have a sufficiently developed meaningfulness, which can help the baby not to get into trouble. The authority of the parents' words is of great importance to the child. It must be remembered that before you start leaving home, you need to prepare your baby.

Step 2

In order to learn how to solve your problems completely independently, without seeking advice from your parents and to be fully capable of independent actions in your life, there are favorable periods of life: the age of "I myself" (2-3 years), entering the age of a student (7 years), the development of adolescence (11-12 years) and the beginning of adolescence (16-17 years).

Step 3

For the first time, parents meet with the question of the independence of their child, at the age of two. The stage from 2 to 3 years is usually called the “I myself” crisis. This is not at all coincidental: just at this age, the child comes to the realization of his personal separation from his parents, that he is not a part of mom or dad, but a person, namely, independent. By the criteria “what he can himself” and “what will he get for it”, the child begins to check with a great desire the boundaries of his independence.

Step 4

The beginning of teaching a child to be independent can be short absences, for example, to a neighbor or to a grocery store. It is imperative that the child be warned about your leaving in advance, and the most important thing is to get his consent to your absence from home. Do not promise your baby anything in the form of, for example, any sweets, for the fact that you will not be at home for some time. The child should understand that you are not going to the store for gifts, but for the necessary products. Otherwise, the child will get used to the idea that you will buy him something for your absence and will start asking each time: “Did you buy me something?” It is quite possible to promise him a reward of an intangible plan - what he loves. For example, make him his favorite cake, bake pancakes, play some game with him.

Step 5

Some people think that a child should get used to being alone from six months old. He can already occupy himself in this period of his life, if, of course, his parents give him such an opportunity.

Step 6

When you are preparing dinner in the kitchen, leave your child in the room to keep himself busy. Independence with this option will develop in him many times faster. And every day the time for his independent life will increase. Only in this case will the child be prepared for your complete absence.

Step 7

Your child is growing up, and you already have new problems: 5-7 years (senior preschool), and especially 7-9 years (primary school age), when he spends less and less time with his mother, and begins to independently find contact with the surrounding reality and his social circle is growing significantly.

And now we are already talking not about independence, but also about the safety of your child inextricably linked with it, the basics of which must be introduced to the child!

Step 8

In order for the child to feel more comfortable in your absence, and you to be calm, remember several important aspects: never frighten the baby with various beechs and byaks hiding in a corner and ready to attack him if he does not obey you. It is very difficult then to dissuade the child from this when you want to leave him at home alone. Before you leave, be sure to say exactly when you will return and be sure to fulfill your promise. In case you are late, call and warn the child. The kid must remember that in no case should they approach the stove. It is no secret that it is impossible to foresee all accidents, it is more correct not only to prohibit some things, but also to teach the child to use something (for example, a microwave oven). If you plan to return when it is already dark outside, be sure to turn on the lights in advance in all rooms where your child can play, so it will be calmer for him and you.
