The calmness and poise of a mother is a necessary condition for raising a child with a harmonious personality. It is the mood of the homemaker that creates the background for the general home atmosphere. Therefore, it is important for women to understand the reasons for their dissatisfaction and irritation and be able to return to a resourceful state.

Step 1
The reason why a woman throws out her irritation on children may be the same behavior of her mother. If in childhood the anger of a parent unjustly fell upon her, she is able to adopt such a model of behavior. In this case, you should clearly understand the reason, remember your feelings from undeserved negativity in childhood and want to develop your family relationships in a different, more prosperous scenario.
Step 2
Another possible cause of irritation and bad mood is high expectations. If the mother expects that the child will be impeccably obedient, live according to the daily routine and eat everything that is on the plate, she will be very disappointed very quickly. To prevent this from happening, you do not need to wait for the children to adhere to the line of behavior you want. Sometimes you need to be able to take the passing for granted. Then minor troubles will not take you out of your peace of mind.
Step 3
Some mothers, after breaking out on children, suffer from remorse. This feeling of guilt is even more depressing and makes a woman sad and depressed. It turns out to be a vicious circle: first a breakdown, then a feeling of guilt because of a breakdown, then a second breakdown because of a bad mood because of a feeling of guilt. To break it, you need to understand that almost all mothers are in such a situation, you are not the only one who is unfair to the child. And the feeling of guilt is not an indicator of exceptional love for a son or daughter. Therefore, it makes no sense or need. It is better to direct your attention to recuperation.
Step 4
A mother who does not take care of herself and forgets about her own needs is not capable of being in a resourceful state for a long time. Satisfy your needs first, and then take care of the children. Sometimes this requires getting up an hour earlier so that you have some personal time before the children wake up. But you will receive a huge compensation and a positive charge for the day ahead. Self-care, hobbies, exercise, relaxation are not a luxury, but a way to remain a caring, fun and productive mom.