It often happens that young children are left without parents. The reasons may be different: the death of dad and mom, abandonment of the child due to illness or the inability to support him. And for the rest of their lives, most of these children dream of finding a family again, feeling parental warmth and affection. Many married couples take children into the family, hoping that they will become friends with the child and replace his biological parents. This is especially true for women who are able to become so attached to the child, to love him that, it seems, the child becomes truly dear. But for this to happen, and he really saw in you the best mom, you need to go through several mandatory stages.

Step 1
Determine the motives for your decision to adopt a baby, how great is your desire to raise him, take care of him and take care of him. There is no need to romanticize the adoption situation, as it is shown in films or videos, in fact, you will face many difficulties and collecting documents and certificates. If you cannot have children for health reasons, adoption will be a good way out of this situation. Many people get to know children during charity events or first invite the children for the weekend, and only then, having made a firm decision, they accept them into the family. This option will allow you to better know the character and abilities of the baby, make friends with him.
Step 2
Correctly assess your financial condition, because every year more and more funds will be required for the maintenance and education of the child. If the family has children of their own, assess whether you have enough money for everyone, whether there will be enough funds for good food and clothing for all family members.
Step 3
Visit several orphanages to be sure of the choice of the baby, and not only the younger groups, but also the older ones. Perhaps you can establish contact with an older child. It is very important at the moment of adoption to feel that this is your little man, to feel an invisible connection with him, so that he too sees his mother in you, reaches out to you.
Step 4
Try to find out from the staff of the orphanage as much information as possible about the baby: health status, interests and hobbies, psychological profile, whether he has brothers and sisters, who the child's parents were (especially in the case of social orphanhood, when the parents are alive, but deprived of parental rights). This will allow you to make the right decision and prepare in advance for possible communication difficulties.
Step 5
Consider if you and your family can give your child the warmth and care they need. Psychologists advise not to put forward excessive demands on the baby and not to expect too much from him. Sometimes it happens that children who have not met the expectations of their adoptive parents, who have upset them in some way, are returned back to orphanages without understanding the reasons for such behavior. This is a severe psychological trauma for the child, who may have needed more time to adapt to the family. In addition, if you already have children, explain to them how to behave with a new family member, so that even in moments of disputes and quarrels, they do not reproach the child for not being a family member, a stranger, or adopted. Your baby will withdraw, stop communicating, and will not trust you. Try to give your love and affection to all children equally, equally distribute responsibilities around the house, buy things and gifts, praise him for his successes and support him in everything. And then the child will one day say: “I have the best mom!”.