It can be very difficult for adolescents, and even harder for their parents. No matter how hard you try to be a good mom for a teenager, he will still perceive you as a boring person who only wants to make things worse. But you can behave in such a way that at an older age, your child, remembering the past, will think of you as a wonderful mother. What is needed for this?

Do not try to rejuvenate and be friends with the child, this can embarrass him and those around him.
When friends come to visit him, do not bother him, provide an opportunity to go about your business.
Sometimes play your favorite music loudly, even if your child hates it.
Lead your own life, invite friends, chat, walk.
If possible, watch movies and eat popcorn with your child.
If the child wishes, then you can go on a trip with him.
Once again, when he does something stupid, you should not lecture him that he did something unnecessary. Just say that this happens, that in the future it will be a lesson to him.
Let your teen make the decisions that matter most in their life.
As long as the teen's room does not pose a biological threat, allow him to be there. Clean, vacuumed floors aren't worth the constant fights.
Sometimes let the child go where he was never allowed, and allow him to do what was previously prohibited, but only within reason.
Always ask the child for their opinion, when he answers, listen carefully.
When hugging and kissing your child, make sure that he understands that he is loved.
You should know that over time everything will fall into place.
And most importantly, you must trust your child, children feel it very much.