Happiness is a subjective concept, and, as you know, it is different for each person. At the same time, it is no secret to anyone that it is arrogance, according to folk wisdom, that is the second happiness. Be that as it may, this statement has its own grain of truth, because it is arrogant, self-confident and courageous people who reach significant career heights in life.

Impudence: pros and cons
In most cases, the word "arrogant" is applied to people who easily make their way through life and show an active life position in all spheres of activity. At the same time, the concept of "arrogant" is also applicable to those people who are able to substitute a neighbor for the sake of achieving their own goal and go ahead over their heads, especially without ceremony with those who meet on a thorny path. Consequently, the concept combines both positive and negative aspects. As for achievements in professional activity, sometimes you cannot do without this quality.
Ambitious, bold, self-confident, striking personalities with a strong temperament, going ahead, attract employers more than downtrodden executive gray mice.
If we take into account that moderately arrogant is not necessarily a rude person walking over the head, then arrogance is a quality of character that many insecure people lack. After all, an arrogant person is mostly a self-confident person who knows the value of his own labor and will not work for a penny salary and be content with little. As for arrogant women, usually these representatives are successful with the opposite sex and realize themselves well in a career plan.
How not to cross the line: arrogance as a means of achieving goals
If we consider arrogance from a positive point of view, it should be noted that a quality that many do not like is not so common. A fairly large number of women suffer from excessive complexes and insecurity. It's no secret that women sometimes need to be assertive and arrogant, both in relationships with men and in everyday life. To develop this quality, first of all, rhetoric skills are required. As you know, the art of persuasion is not necessarily a baggage of intellectual knowledge. In this case, the accents are placed in favor of the inner strength of a person and his ability to influence the opinion of another person. Therefore, you should train your speech regularly. Learn to speak, observe how your words affect others, and draw appropriate conclusions.
Also, such a quality as self-confidence helps to achieve the set goal in the conditions of the fiercest competition that female representatives constantly face both on the “personal front” and in professional spheres.
An insecure person is not a problem for others, but a problem that primarily concerns the person directly.
Another, second feature that distinguishes an arrogant person is courage. If you have met such impudent people, you probably noted that such people are not afraid of difficulties and a share of risk in any business, and whoever does not take risks, as you know, does not drink champagne.
Based on the above, we can conclude that impudent people are the owners of not only the second happiness, but also the very first one, to which every person so strives. Consequently, impudence is that quality of character in which the main thing is not to cross the line, where assertiveness borders on rudeness, the ability to stand on one's own - with rudeness and bad manners.