How To Recognize Yourself As A Mother Of A Schoolboy

How To Recognize Yourself As A Mother Of A Schoolboy
How To Recognize Yourself As A Mother Of A Schoolboy

It is not at all easy to be a mother of a schoolchild, because the transition of a child from kindergarten to school radically changes not only him, but also your life. Therefore, you and your baby will have to get used to the new daily routine and new responsibilities together.

Schoolboy mom
Schoolboy mom

Sending a child to first grade is always stressful for dads and moms. However, you should pull yourself together and try to adapt to the daily chores of school as soon as possible. After all, how quickly you realize that you are a schoolboy's mother will determine how soon your baby gets used to school.

Organization of the workplace

First of all, you need to equip a workplace in the house for your little first grader. Be sure to buy a comfortable desk and chair for him. So that the child does not have health problems, the furniture should be suitable for his height and stand in a place where there is enough light. Make sure your desk has enough drawers to store books, manuals, and a variety of school supplies.

To stimulate your child's interest and desire to learn, try to make the study space not only comfortable, but also bright. Hang a rainbow-colored lesson schedule over the table, buy beautiful notebooks depicting cartoon characters, in general, do everything to make your student happy to sit down for lessons.

Stable daily routine

It is difficult for any kid to quickly get used to school loads. Therefore, immediately prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to face tears, whims and unwillingness to go to school. In especially difficult cases, the child may begin to frequently catch colds and complain about health. To prevent this from happening, you need to strictly monitor compliance with a clear daily routine. Do not let your child watch TV until late, make sure that he sleeps at least 9-10 hours a day.

Do not overload. You should not immediately enroll your first grader in all kinds of circles and sections. Give him time to get used to the need to learn. Do not force the kid to sit for a long time over books and copybooks, do not forget that he is still a child, and one of the main children's activities is play.

About school - only positive

Parents of a student should always monitor their language. Even if you don't like something about the education system, you shouldn't discuss it in front of your child. Believe me, he hears everything and his attitude towards school will largely depend on how you feel about it. Do not allow caustic remarks about teachers, because in order for a child to fully assimilate new material, he must respect the person from whom he comes.

Don't forget about rewards as well. Always praise your first grader for even minor successes and take an interest in his school affairs. Your indifference to a child's school life can forever push him away from school and discourage all the desire to learn something new.

You should not scold the child if something does not work out for him. It is better to sit next to each other and try to cope with the task together. Be patient, you may have to repeat the same things ten times (they are elementary for you, but not for your baby). Do not rip off evil on the first grader. If you feel that you are about to break loose, it is better to take a short break, rest yourself and allow your child to rest.

Remember, the more attention you give your baby in the early school years, the less attention he will require later.
