How To Recognize Ovulation Yourself

How To Recognize Ovulation Yourself
How To Recognize Ovulation Yourself

In the minds of many women, tracking ovulation is a complex process that requires consultation with a gynecologist and an ultrasound scan. However, you can easily catch the most suitable moment for conception at home.

How to recognize ovulation yourself
How to recognize ovulation yourself

What is ovulation

From a physiological point of view, ovulation is the process of maturation of the egg, its release into the fallopian tube and movement towards the uterus. In women of reproductive age, ovulation occurs monthly. At the same time, isolated cases of lack of ovulation (1-2 times a year) are absolutely normal even for a completely healthy woman. The older the fair sex, the more likely the onset of anovulatory (without egg maturation) cycles. In women over 45, ovulation occurs every few months. During menopause, the maturation of the egg does not occur at all.

A few days before ovulation, the level of estrogen in the blood gradually increases, as well as follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. Around the middle of the cycle, the follicle (the egg surrounded by several protective layers) matures and bursts, and the egg is released from it. It will take her from an hour to several hours to get into the fallopian tube, but her way to the uterus will take several days. It is during this period, called the ovulatory period, that the egg can be fertilized. If the process of conception has taken place, after about a week, the fertilized egg will attach to the wall of the uterus. In other words, for married couples planning to replenish their family, ovulation is the most favorable time for conception.

Sometimes the cycle can be anovulatory. There are many reasons for the lack of ovulation. The most common cause is intense nervous tension and stress. Long flights, climate change and sudden changes in air temperature can slightly disrupt the cycle and affect the onset of ovulation. Sports associated with injuries (especially in the abdominal area) and extreme physical activity adversely affect women's health. Improper diet and lack of vitamins (in particular, folic acid) reduce the likelihood of egg maturation.

Healthy sperm cells are able to maintain their mobility in a woman's body for up to a couple of days. Therefore, for the fertilization of an egg, it is necessary to have unprotected sex 1-2 days before the expected date of ovulation, on the day of ovulation and one day after it. It is important that the male body takes some time to form new sperm and allow them to mature. Therefore, during pregnancy planning, intercourse should occur no more often than every other day.

Tracking well-being and symptoms

During ovulation, the body experiences a powerful hormonal shock. For many, it goes unnoticed, but if you observe your condition at least 2-3 cycles, then you can note patterns in your health and behavior.

One of the most recognized symptoms of ovulation is bleeding around the middle of your cycle. Follicle rupture can be accompanied by bloody droplets in typical discharge or scanty brown discharge as a result of endometrial (uterine lining) detachment. Often, the signs of ovulation are similar to those of menstruation. Discharge may be accompanied by minor pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The nature of ovulatory pain in different representatives of the fair sex is different: it can be both pulling and stabbing. The pains are so slight that the girls do not pay attention to them at all.


Almost always, ovulation is accompanied by a stringy mucous discharge, similar in consistency to egg white. At this time, cervical secretions contribute to the most comfortable sexual intercourse and the rapid passage of the egg to the fallopian tube. In addition, the peak of hormones affects the behavior of women. At this time, biological instincts are aimed at procreation, so that during ovulation there is an increase in libido. Sometimes, the fair sex during this period of time noticeable and sharp jumps in mood, which, again, is associated with the dance of hormone levels.

During this period, you can feel atypical ovulatory symptoms: mild nausea, headache, bloating, too much or no appetite. Every woman's body reacts to the surge in hormones differently. By noting symptoms in a notebook, calendar or special applications, you can identify individual manifestations of ovulatory syndrome in just a few cycles.

Calendar method

In theory, ovulation occurs in the very middle of the cycle, so with a regular cycle it is easy to calculate the estimated day of egg maturation. For example, if the cycle is stable for 30 days, then ovulation should occur on the 15th day from the end of the previous menstruation and 15 days before the start of the next. But this is all in theory. In practice, many gynecologists claim that the ideal timing of ovulation is extremely rare. It can occur even at the very beginning (one week after menstruation) and at the very end of the cycle (10-12 days before the next menstruation), although less likely.


This method of tracking ovulation is not entirely reliable, and it is rather difficult to find out the exact date of egg maturation using a calendar. It can only be used as a helper for other methods. For example, to know when to buy roughly and to use ovulation tests.

Basal Body Temperature Chart

Basal body temperature is the temperature in the mouth, vagina, or rectum at rest. To track ovulation in this way, you need to plot your basal body temperature from the very first day of your cycle. Immediately after waking up, trying not to move, you need to insert the thermometer into the vagina. It is best to use digital waterproof thermometers. Basal temperature rises during menstruation and during ovulation. During the period of egg maturation, a temperature jump of about half a degree should occur. At a rate of 36, 7 during ovulation, the temperature will reach 37, 1-37, 2 degrees.


Mark the temperature every day on a calendar or notebook. Using special applications or tables, you can visualize the basal temperature graph so that the jump can be seen as clearly as possible. After several cycles, you will notice patterns, understand what temperature is normal for you and on what day from the beginning of the cycle ovulation occurs.

Ovulation tests

The easiest way to determine the date of ovulation, which, however, requires some financial costs, is to track ovulation using special tests. Ovulation tests are regular strips that, unlike pregnancy tests, do not respond to the concentration of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), but to LH (luteinizing hormone).


The procedure for conducting an ovulation test is no different from conducting pregnancy tests. Fresh urine should be collected in a dry, sterile container, unpacked and immersed in liquid for about 5 seconds. However, you should carefully read the instructions on the packaging, as some tests need to be kept shorter or longer, and some do not require collection of urine in a container at all. The result is interpreted quite simply: if after a few minutes only one strip appears on the test, then this is not the day of ovulation. If there is a second strip, but pale - most likely, ovulation will occur in the coming days. A bright second streak is an accurate sign of ovulation.

So, there are several ways to track your fertile day. For reliability, these methods can be combined. If you cannot track ovulation within six months, you should contact your gynecologist. The most accurate results will be shown by ultrasound.
